Why do people love subwoofers?

Why is the bass line so prevalent in so many areas of music? I mean it's not an instrument per se as a guitar or a piano is, it's just "whoop whoop whoop".

Not that I don't love it, as well..

I don't understand it either, but love it 7
I know, right? It's just noise 8
(Other, comment) 12
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Shackleford96

    Based on impressions formed by the extremes of people and their general bad behavior with loud BOOMING subwoofers in their sound systems and the (usually) horrible rap music they are playing, i used to hate them. However, my opinion changed once i started learning more about music, and more about sound systems and how to build a sound system.

    There's different sizes of subwoofers, and different types of boxes that they go in that completely change how they sound and also the decibels produced.

    Bass with a good subwoofer, when done right, makes music sound deeper and more complete. It's great for rock music because it makes the drums feel real; like the kick drum is right behind you. It also makes the bass guitar sound more prominent. Electronic music often sounds great with some good bass levels too.

    I know I'm getting a bit off track here, but great bass levels are a must for any good home theater setup too. Explosions in videogames and movies just wouldn't be the same otherwise!

    Conclusion: don't let great sound experiences be ruined by your impressions based off of all those morons who over do it. Subwoofers can add a really great experience to your sound setup.

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    • Thanks a lot, what a great answer!

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  • thegypsysailor

    I think those little tiny dogs are horrible creatures. Hell, if we ran out of food at sea, one of those yappy little things wouldn't even make a decent lunch, let alone feed everybody on the boat for a week.

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    • dirtybirdy


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    I put one in my home theatre and it just adds depth if it's tuned right. Boom boom bad, bom bom good.

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  • Koda

    Subwoofers muddy up the audio usually... especially if the song isn't mixed properly

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  • Nokiot9

    For the same reason guys drive huge trucks. They're compensating for their shortcomings.

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  • Murun

    The bass is a proper instrument! Many pieces of music are absolutely reliant on the bass line. I'm guessing you don't play an instrument and have a fairly narrow range of listening experiences.

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    • Yes. I'm talking about subwoofers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subwoofer

      And I love bass and subwoofers as well, I was just wondering why.

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      • Murun

        They're a space saver usually. A single subwoofer under the table and a pair of small stereo speakers for treble. Decent sized speakers make enough bass not to need a separate subwoofer, but they take more space in the living room.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Personally, I don't like them. Then again it's because people in my town crank up the bass to necessary levels in their cars and people play loud bass ridden music until 4am on a Sunday. When I can feel the bass in the ground when I'm trying to sleep, then of course I'm going to dislike it. lol

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