Why do people tease others over undesirable things happening?

For an example, there's an intimacy moment between heterosexual partners and the story is shared by one of partners, involving the scene, pleasure, and the smell and other people would be glancing at him "Weirdo" "Keep behind closed doors" "We don't need to hear any of this" but when something undesirable happens such as trailer trash that passing by every now and then and the person publicly complains about the stink, people start teasing him "Tell us more" "Sounds you like you love the stink so much you hate it" "Maybe you have subconscious desire and a paraphilia involving garbage cans, and disposed road kills, maybe you should try to hump one while it's warm and moist" Is it a fear of providing someone with sense of power and confidence through cheering words and positive encouragement?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • KholatKhult

    I bring a sort of “I love you” energy to missionary sex that first dates don’t always find desirable

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    I'm not sure, but was that written in English?

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    • Giorgi

      Except that you're not cognitively inclined to grasp it yet :<, maybe sometime in a future, when you have a better built network of neurons, then we'll start talking.

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        It's a friggin word salad minus the croutons.

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    • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

      up until about the midway point

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  • bbrown95

    Honestly, I think talking in great detail about one's sexual experiences is a bit TMI and in my opinion, should be a private thing between two people and not stories that need to be shared. I think a lot of people feel similarly and it's just awkward to hear people talk about every little detail of their sexual encounters. Honestly, it's no different to me than talking in great detail about the shit you just took. 🤣

    Not sure what you're referring to in the latter part of your post, however. I've never heard anyone talk like that.

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    • bigbudchonger

      Enit, that's a well weird thing for someone to say

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    tom green is on isitnormal

    im actually not surprised at all

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Are you trying to say humping hetero human doesn't smell as good as humping trash cans?

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