Why do people think it's okay to play with my hair

Black girl here. I spend two hours or so getting my thick hair looking good and every time someone just walks over and runs their fingers through it or they tug on it and ask if it's real. I hate it and it's not people I know it's strangers. Mainly white people. Then they think it's okay to complain about the way my hair is or make fun of me. I get mad and they justify themselves because it's different and they couldn't help themselves. I hate it and quite frankly it comes off as racist.

I know I'm not the only one this has happened to so my question is why do people think that playing with my hair is okay then laugh about it when I get mad?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • RoseIsabella

    A lot of people are stupid assholes.

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  • Justmehere

    If it's braided, it's sexy. I knew a hostess at the sports bar I go to, who had extensions down to her thin little waist, then got them braided. People would ask her about it all the time, compliment her, and feel it. Even I did a few times, but I knew her and she offered. "Want to feel my hair? Everybody else does, go ahead". So, on her break and out of view, I felt it with both hands, and put it against my face. Told her, damn, that's incredibly sexy.

    She'd get another extension a few weeks later, past her ass, and braid that, too. Couldn't help but bury my face in it again. Don't be mad when people compliment or touch your hair; It means they really like it.

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    • I don't mind compliments or if they ask first. What brothers me is when they just grab my hair without asking

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      • Justmehere

        I can understand that..I know a few guys, on their way out and passing her, touched or lightly pulled my friend's long, braided hair, thinking it was fun, but, she hated it. Was ok if asked, or, as I said, offered, but not guys who'd just walk past and have a yank at it.

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  • TerriAngel

    It is rude.
    But hard to resist.
    People are naturally curious.
    I saw a black girl in the airport recently.
    Beautiful hair.
    Not straightened, but not nappy.
    Kinda long and fuzzy, small waves.
    I wanted to touch it.
    What's it feel like?
    But, I'm shy and had no polite way to ask.
    Smelling, hearing, touching.
    People like to use their sences.
    Some just lack tact.

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  • norochan

    I'm Hispanic but I have curly hair, so this happens to me too. What makes it weirder is that it's always other Hispanic people doing it. People are just really curious (I guess) but don't really take into account the other person's feelings about it.
    I don't think they are trying to be mean or rude, but they are being inconsiderate. Just tell them to stop, and if they don't they're just mean.

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