Why do so many non believers waste their time at christmas?

Before you start to rant, I am an atheist, so please don't post your shitty verses and uneducated arguments claiming you know the 'proof' of god's existence. You don't, you have merely read an old book and been brought up in a Christian community/family etc.

Provides an opportunity to get drunk an bring up dormant family issues 16
An excuse to buy and receive useless stuff, purely commercial fest 50
Believe its a family/giving time, but couldn't care less about Jesus 123
By being 'religious' for a day or two makes them good people 3
Too dumb to realize they are celebrating a religion they don't follow 25
I hate christmas, and just want a stress free holiday 27
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Comments ( 42 )
  • everyhumanlovesAbel

    Christmas is a time to appreciate what you have.. even if your not a Christian.

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    • nice idea, but I think you're thinking of Thanksgiving...

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    • xino00

      what bullshit!

      why should Christmas be the fucking day you should appreciate the shit you have?

      all these shit days are done for milking money out of consumers!
      why should valentine day be the day you should care for your partner? if that's the case then every other day means you don't love her.

      and Atheist can go fark themselves!

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      • sloppy_seconds

        are you some christian nutter??

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  • timebobbu

    You're a mean one, mr. OP..

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  • pastol

    It is not a waste of time nor must it be considered a religious holiday. I must respectfully correct littlemissunderstood; it was not originally a religious holiday. For the first three centuries of Christianity, Christmas did not exist. Enter Origen (c. 185–254),an early Christian scholar, theologian and considered a Church father by most Christians. There was a debate going on about the actual date of the birth of Christ, the records had long since been lost. Origen first preached that it would be wrong to honor Christ in the same way Pharaoh and Herod were honored. Birthdays were for pagan gods. The eventual choice of December 25, made perhaps as early as 273, reflects a convergence of Origen's concern about pagan gods and the church's identification of God's son with the celestial sun. December 25 already hosted two other related festivals: natalis solis invicti (the Roman "birth of the unconquered sun"), and the birthday of Mithras, the Iranian "Sun of Righteousness" whose worship was popular with Roman soldiers. The winter solstice, another celebration of the sun, fell just a few days earlier. Seeing that pagans were already exalting deities with some parallels to what they considered the true deity, church leaders decided to commandeer the date and introduce a new festival.

    Western Christians first celebrated Christmas on December 25 in 336, after Emperor Constantine had declared Christianity the empire's favored religion. Eastern churches, however, held on to January 6 as the date for Christ's birth and his baptism. Most easterners eventually adopted December 25, celebrating Christ's birth on the earlier date and his baptism on the latter, but the Armenian church celebrates his birth on January 6. Incidentally, the Western church does celebrate Epiphany on January 6, but as the arrival date of the Magi rather than as the date of Christ's baptism.

    Another wrinkle was added in the sixteenth century when Pope Gregory devised a new calendar, which was unevenly adopted. The Eastern Orthodox and some Protestants retained the Julian calendar, which meant they celebrated Christmas 13 days later than their Gregorian counterparts. Most—but not all—of the Christian world now agrees on the Gregorian calendar and the December 25 date.

    So it is actually a pagan origin of the Christmas date, as well as pagan origins for many Christmas customs (gift-giving and merrymaking from Roman Saturnalia; greenery, lights, and charity from the Roman New Year; Yule logs and various foods from Teutonic feasts). So the date and gift giving customs were actually hijacked by Christianity. As an atheist, I celebrate this date as a time to stop the normal madness of life, and pay tribute to my loved ones.

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  • Thatguy777

    Well I belieive in God, but even if I didn't, I would still celebrate Christmas as a time to be with loved ones, and to exchange gifts.

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  • You forgot an option:

    Getting losers pissed off, so they create biased internet polls about Christmas.

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  • a time of goodwill to others (even if its only once a year) and as thatguy said to be with loved ones. and the relglous story is lovely but gorey. thats why

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  • littlemissunderstood

    Sure the origins of christmas are religious, but I don't think most people think of it that way and I also don't think that's any reason not to celebrate. Drink too much, eat too much, and spend too much money just because it's fun and you finally have an opportunity to do so.

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  • harrypotters

    You sound like a person with a bleak outlook on the world. Why does it even bother you that others celebrate chirstmas.

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    • StrangeQuestion

      it DOESN't bother me that people celecrate christmas. It bothers that most countries celebrate christmas by default, without believeing in god

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  • It'sOkayToFeelSad

    They feel like it.
    Not to mention they do what they want when they want.

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    I would like to start out by saying that I, myself, am not religious, however, Christmas, like all of the other holidays celebrated in America, is not a Christian holiday. That holiday was being celebrated long before the birth of Jesus (whether or not you believe that happened, I am using it as a reference for time period) and Romans would get drunk and have sex (along with much sodomy) This holiday is not a Christian holiday and no holidays in America are. IN TRUTH all holidays in America are simply there for people to make money and have a day off of work and that is all.

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    • pr3tty1np1nk


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  • Theta_Sigma

    I'm an atheist and I don't celebrate Christmas. I also know a lot of atheists who do. Their reasons vary.

    Some people do it because they feel it's a part of their culture, and they enjoy the ritual. Some people do it because they get time off from work or school, and that makes it a good time to see their family, whom they often miss and don't get to see often.

    But a more sinister reason is the pressure. A lot of people feel like if they don't celebrate Christmas, that makes them bad people, even if they're not Christian! They don't want to get called a Scrooge or a Grinch or alienate people, so they fake it to get social approval and fit in.

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  • ReggieTheWonderHorse

    Pastol, well said. I am not a religious man but I enjoy Christmas for the memories of my childhood, the festivity and celebrations. Gatherings of family and friends. Regardless of how anyone feels on the religious end. The season holds a certain magic.

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  • theendofsorrow

    Christmas is a family holiday so it doesn't matter.

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  • stillwondering

    Christmas is for family. It is becoming an increasingly secular holiday--which is fine by me, since I too am an atheist.

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  • Mistletain

    Jesus wasn't even born in the winter. so my diagnosis is because everyone secretly wants to be a dirty heathen and kick it for yule with me.

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  • PadThaiaddict

    Actually Dec. 25th was the date of a Pagan celebration called Saturnalia long before it was Christmas. Jesus was actually born sometime in the summer. The Roman Catholic church moved the celebration to coincide with the Pagan one to try an snuff it out. The Christmas tree was a Pagan tradition where people would bring plants into their homes in an effort to try and protect the plant's spirit during the winter. The Santa Claus we know who lives at the north pole and checks his list twice was invented by Macy's department store. My point is that the holiday most people celebrate today is a mixture of different traditions with different origins and it's stupid to try and criticize others for celebrating a "Christian holiday". And all you anti-commercialists can complain about presents all you want but I bet you'd change your tune for laptop or a diamond ring. :P

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    • pr3tty1np1nk

      ^ Everyone read what he or she said. Explained it better than me.

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  • pyt1985

    Jesus Christ is the reason for the whole holiday... Hence the name "CHRISTmas. So if you dont appreciate/love him, then don't bother taking the day off, or giving gifts or any of that. But if you do, you are merely acknowledging his existence and therefore in your own way, believing in him.

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    • pr3tty1np1nk

      "Actually Dec. 25th was the date of a Pagan celebration called Saturnalia long before it was Christmas. Jesus was actually born sometime in the summer. The Roman Catholic church moved the celebration to coincide with the Pagan one to try an snuff it out. The Christmas tree was a Pagan tradition where people would bring plants into their homes in an effort to try and protect the plant's spirit during the winter. The Santa Claus we know who lives at the north pole and checks his list twice was invented by Macy's department store. My point is that the holiday most people celebrate today is a mixture of different traditions with different origins and it's stupid to try and criticize others for celebrating a "Christian holiday". And all you anti-commercialists can complain about presents all you want but I bet you'd change your tune for laptop or a diamond ring. :P"
      - written by PadThaiaddict

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    • StrangeQuestion

      Obviously you didn't read my comment. In response to your contribution......no shit! I was a Christian for 15 years and clearly know what Christmas is. The point is that millions an millions of people celebrate this mythology celebration and yet few question why they are participating

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  • DiscoDuck

    All of the above, all the choices are correct

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  • pr3tty1np1nk

    I just think it's funny how so many people in my country don't know the history of christmas or what it really is.
    I want to live in Europe or something. Are people smarter there?

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  • anarchy-is-glory

    I'm an atheist and I celebrate christmas because I don't give a rat's ass if it is considered religious. We just get together talk, dance and eat.

    I hate people like you, I hate people that want everyone to think like them.
    You are no better than believers.

    And I love tamales.

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  • GhostGuy764

    Placing Christmas on the 25th of December was a political choice not a religious one

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  • eternalsmoke31

    I love christmas because it brings whole families together.... So much easier to kill bloodlines when they are gathered opposed to travelling to multiple destinations...

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  • TheBilderbergGroup

    why do Americans celebrate christmas...oh they don't believe in Jesus but they believe in Santa claus...thats...even better..why you atheists allways try to look that you are smarter than everyone else...but you are losers who just hate the world and there life.

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    • pr3tty1np1nk

      That was judgmental. Didn't Jesus say not to judge? Or do you selectively read the bible?

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  • One word:

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  • XxKatiexX

    I wont say no to presents.

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  • NothingRecognizable

    Maybe because Christmas is fun, and fun is fun? Why do religious people celebrate Halloween? (That might not be a good example but you get the point)

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  • Angry_Salad

    Wow. Are you people serious? Everyone is always complaining on how the worls is going to shit, and when the holidays roll around, you have negate it. For serious? its no wonder no one can be happy with anything. who cares where it came from. its a time that ppl come closer together as a family and community. be happy that some of us actually appreciate it. and whats more fun than watching kids run around and be happy?

    Just roll a f'n blunt and be happy.

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  • mtnw

    christmas has nothing to do with religion if you know religion or history.

    i think they all do it because they consider it fun, or are expected to do it by other family members.

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  • i used to be religious but im not anymore im not saying god is real or god isnt real because just because god has never been seen doesnt mean he isnt real if that makes sense but then again all of you have gods athiests have a god and that god is money the certain way everyone thinks money is needed to survive the way they think money is the only thing that makes the world go wrong you basicly worship it so dont say religious people are slaves to religion because athiests and everyone else are slaves to their god too but their chains are invisible and dont even realise they worship something

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    • StrangeQuestion

      Sorry I just can't help myself, I have to reply to your ridiculous comments.

      Money is not a God to Atheists, at least not in a supernatural sense. People can certainly be obsessed with money and idolize it thats completely different to religion. By the way your comment comes with a great deal of irony since so many 'Christians' have ponzi schemes where they claim god wants the adherents of the church to give to the church. hahah, I can't believe you even mentioned it. hhaha, fool.

      Do atheists think money created the universe?? NO!

      Do atheists believe money cleansed them of their sins?? NO!

      Do atheists believe money will send them to eternal bliss AFTER death......? NO

      There is no correlation between money and atheism, you retard.

      Geez, I bet you are all American

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      • pr3tty1np1nk

        lol took the words right out of my mouth. xD
        'Cept that last part... I'm American thanks. But I know where you're coming from. -_- Many Americans need to stfu and stop being uncultured idiots. Like those christian hicks in the south.

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    • StrangeQuestion

      You may need to go back to school, and if you are lucky maybe even university.

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  • It's tradition, simply one of those unwritten rules you have to follow.

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