Why do some anti abortionists think their beliefs are conservative?

I've seen many conservatives who are against abortion who will say things like "the left kill babies" and calling abortion murder, which it isn't by any stretch. And championing that a decent conservative movement should also be an anti abortion one. But many conservatives don't care about abortion. Limiting bodily autonomy is one of the most authoritarian things that can be done.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    The only time the left doesnt advocate for a strong authoritarian policy is when it comes to killing their own babies. Im more of a libertarian I dont want a nanny state government forcing you to do things but I will admit my opinion changes of someone when I find out they've had abortions.

    It just seems like a disgusting thing to do I'm glad my wife is too good for that. She goes to ultrasounds and gets excited when she sees the baby in there. And then there's California women who just want to kill it.

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    • raisinbran

      Pro “choice” when it comes to body autonomy then want to force injections on everyone.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        After decades of them not trusting pharmaceutical companies

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    • Neesa

      I don't get how you can say right wingers aren't authoritarian when they literally think people's entire well being is pinned on money. You should look into the priorities of the conservative hierarchy. It's not "pro life" by any means.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        What you mentioned as an example is the opposite of authoritarianism. In your ideology the government forces money out of your hands (that you worked for) so they can give it to other people. Its an authoritarian policy because you have no choice. The government is forcing you to do it even if you dont agree where the money is going.

        When it comes to abortion thats the only time liberals advocate for a libertarian policy (maybe they advocate liberty to do drugs also). My ideology is less government. To be in control of my own destiny and be left alone by a nanny state government. I dont want government telling me what to do in most cases.

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  • raisinbran

    Woman can do whatever the fuck they want with their body until the disgusting, screaming parasite pops out. Even then, if it's particularly ugly, there shouldn't be any laws against taking a hammer to it.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      What are you trying to be king edgelord?

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      • LloydAsher

        See this is why the pro abortionists are losing. Normal people see this crazy shit and go "hey this is crazy" and vote for the other side.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Libtards are pushing people to the right everywhere

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    • Vvaas


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  • jackstormwater

    Because “conservative” and “anti-authoritarian” are not the same thing. Being anti-abortion is a socially conservative stance.

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  • LloydAsher

    I'm not pro life but I have to take up the mantle as pro life because there are people who are very obviously pro abortion. Not pro choice, that's ok because theres a middle ground to be had. Honestly I dislike texas stance on abortion, then again states like New York take it way too far with suggesting infanticide is covered as abortion. So I have to draw a line somewhere. No I dont think the woman has the unilateral right to destroy a human life at any point during pregnancy. I believe in having some modest restrictions: 15 weeks and before? Fine. Incest/rape? Fine. Complications to the mother? Yep that's cool to have an abortion over it.

    The problem is that 98% of all abortions arnt because of the above reasons, which isnt ok. Use a condom and go on birth control. Killing babies isnt cool especially if we have the medical technology to keep them alive.

    The one standard the state does have the motivation to do is keeping its citizens alive. Especially since these citizens are human and are completely defenseless, thus the state unfortunately needs to have a hand in its legislation. Not federally mind you. State wise.

    If you dont want to be prosecuted in Mississippi, go live in New York, they dont care about human lives.

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  • Boojum

    George Carlin on anti-choice assholes:

    “Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.”

    Carlin was being charitable when he said the anti-freedom people care about the unborn. When's the last time you heard one of those people mention how the USA has an obscenely high rate of maternal and neonatal deaths? How many of them advocate for government spending to ensure that poor women get decent prenatal care and nutrition?

    Maternal death rates in the USA have been higher than those in comparable countries for decades. A recent article in Forbes states that the USA has nearly the highest maternal mortality rate among high-income countries, and the USA is the only industrialized nation in the world where maternal mortality is increasing.

    As far as infant mortality is concerned, the USA ranks 33 out of 36 Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) nations. Many of those deaths are the direct result of poor-quality or non-existent prenatal care of the mother.

    The USA has a huge problem due to the way that religion is entangled with politics. The loudest religious nuts in America have mindsets that really aren't much different to those of the Taliban, and that backward-looking mindset means they naturally align with the the political right. I'm convinced that anti-choice people aren't really all that motivated a belief that an embryo the size of a bean is sacred; it's mainly about imposing their religious beliefs on others, a belief that sex is inherently sinful and deserves to be punished and controlling women because their only proper role in life is producing babies.


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  • olderdude-xx

    My view is that most of either the current "conservatives" and "liberals" are totally out of touch on what those terms originally meant.

    As I see it (related to this issue), there is a real contradiction in being "pro-life" and then not supporting good care for pregnant woman and good care for all babies and children.

    If these people are so "pro life" how come there are 10's of thousands of children in foster care. They all should have been adopted years ago and provided the education, family support, and care to develop into productive adults.

    I have no idea of why people have so distorted what the words used to mean... Perhaps its so they don't have to admit that they cannot meet that standard; but, I may be wrong on that.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Im still trying to figure out what views you hold that make you consider yourself a oldschool republican lol

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      • olderdude-xx

        Old school Republicans cared a lot more about babies and children than my observation of the vast majority of what the current "Republicans" does.

        Also, no one doubted that life began at birth back then (that is what the bible says).

        Your just too young to remember such times or talk over various issues with the adults of those years.

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      • olderdude-xx

        I thought I would add another comment about the "old" Republican party.

        I'm not sure how old the description is; but the saying used to be that the Republican Party had a "Big Tent" that welcomed virtually anyone.

        My personal experience was that only the extreme left was excluded if you wished to engage with the Republicans and consider joining the party.

        The religious right (i.e the "Immoral Majority" gained a solid foothold in the Republican party because of that "Big Tent" philosophy.

        My experience was that the old Republican Party was actually fairly moderate in policies and practices.

        Now, the Republican Party is much different and they have a "Small Tent" policy on who they will allow in.

        If you follow the States that require party affiliation to be registered as part of voter registration. You will see a substantial reduction in the "Republican" registered voters and a largely corresponding increase in "Independent" voters in numerous States. The current Republican Party is driving away many of its long term members.

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