Why do some people have more wrinkles than others the same age?

Is there a wrinkle gene or something where a 40 year old may have tons and another 40 year old has none or faint lines?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Sanara

    I think it's combo of lifestyle and genetics. And the lifestyle thing can be many things, if you stress a lot that will age you faster, smoking is bad for your skin, probably bad diet can cause it, of course dehydration etc

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    sun & smokin

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  • RoseIsabella

    Some people just have good skin, but it's also important to wear sunscreen, drink lots of water, have a good skincare routine, and eat healthy.

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  • wigz

    I have religi0usly worn sunblock since I was 17-ish and am now 42, I look way better than my mom or grandma did at my age, I look better than most people that are my age currently. I think it's part genetics but more skin care. I should add, I smoked and drank since about 15 too and it hasn't seemed to affect things that badly. I've also not allowed myself to be overweight, aside from pregnancy, for any sustained period. I eat mostly whole natural foods most of the time.

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  • LornaMae

    In my case it's genetics. If my lifestyle up to now played such a big part I'd look 70.

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  • SwickDinging

    Genetics play a part but it's also about sun damage and smoking. Smokers usually look much older than they are even at are 35. People who never wear sunscreen on their face and neck tend to age badly.

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  • Boojum

    I think it's mainly about the genes that control the elasticity of the skin, but I'm sure that pale-skinned people who get a lot of exposure to the sun suffer damage that results in wrinkling.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Some people take care of their skin, and others don't.

    Also, some of the old time "anti-wrinkle" creams turned out to be "wrinkle creams" long term.

    Anyone who starts in their teenage years with good modern skin care products can have fantastic skin into their elderly years if they keep up with it. You do have to change products as your skin ages... but the potential there is huge...

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