Why do some people have their stories on their profile?
Why do some people have their stories on their profile?dont they realise?
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Why do some people have their stories on their profile?dont they realise?
I don't really care if people know which stories are mine... It is mainly obvious anyway and I don't comment as Anonymous because I'm not a pussy!
I don't think you finished your question, but more than likely they wanted to tell others about themselves. That's why I did it.
I won't lie. I have looked at some of them and I just laugh my ass off. There's on in particular that is so damn cheesy and leaves you thinking "Whut? XD" but I'm not going to name names and put them in the spotlight.
I'm sure some people think the same about mine. :)
Your profile got me into Hannibal which I love and am damn happy I started watching. Thanks a bunch.
Ooo, I'm happy my profile got you hooked on the show. It's pretty damn good, isn't it? :)
It's amazing. I'm rarely a person to go for live action series but I've seriously enjoyed this one. The show comes up with such creative serial killers and there's constant suspense with scenes that never fail to surprise me.
Finished season 2 episode 2, the one where Hannibal's (spoiler) psychiatrist refuses to see him for sessions anymore. Still stunned, though, in hindsight it makes sense why. Really interested to see what role she'll play in future episodes, if any.
You have to do it intentionally, so pretty sure they realise.
There's this thing called "conscious decision". Ever heard of it?
Then why ask?
You're the retard who had to make a question. Don't get pissy at me for treating you like a tard when you behave like one.
What I meant here is that I realised in time that I had to click the box to uncheck it, otherwise my stories would still be up and I wouldnt realise. As it was already checked by default.
You have to click the box to say dont show my stories. My stories were on show cuz i didnt click the box.
You should be advised that she's like this with a LOT of people, myself included.
I treat people how they behave, yes. I treat idiots like idiots and cunts like cunts.
I don't have digs at people behind their back, though. Fucking coward.
Can't we all just get along!? God damn it's not that hard to be nice to people, why do you feel the need to take people down? I'm no psychologist, but usually assholes are assholes because they aren't happy people themselves so it's a lose lose.
Your obnoxious, POS boyfriend knows damned well how I feel about him; I've made it clear to him several times.
You're just catty and judgmental.
your rrecollection of seven months ago is precise? Like I said, my other account is on default settings and not selected. Seeing as OP says one thing and then another, I find it hard to believe anything they say is accurate.
So my recollection of seven months ago is on trial but not your recollection of what you did on an alt.
Seems legit.
And yes, by the way, I do remember.
I just made this account seconds ago, is that memory enough? Nit checked.
No, not on trial, it's a question that is open to accepting any possible answer.
And an alt that I didn't change any settings on because I only used it to get this one back, yes. Pretty straightforward. But please, do go ahead with your assumptions.
I'm sorry you take such offence at a simple question.
Fine, you remember. Any explanation for discrepencies? From the site or the OP?
First off you can stop being a cunt. Second you probably confused him by being an ass. Third, get off your high horse.
So it's impossible for something technological to have a glitch? Ive made other accounts none of them had the box checked to begin with. But my main account did.
That seems to be the likeliest thing.. Although I could swear it was the first time I looked properly on that section that I saw it already clicked. Why some other people ( charlim) would jump to cynical conclusion that im making it up is beyond me. Shows up that persons character though.