Why do some people have to be rude when correcting someone's grammar
Is it even necessary to do so with such an attitude? It's good for someone to correct one's grammar but why can't he/she be more gentle and polite? Thank goodness there are no people that are like this on is it normal or it would annoy me to no end. Don't you think this rude people that are trying to correct someone else grammar should learn some manners first.
Yup, I'm certain I had some grammar errors while writing on this post.
There's this guy, he said that a 2 year old kid is much smarter than me just because I got clumsy while writing a sentences. I do know how to differentiate between the usage of do and does. I accidentally used "do" on singular subject. I got clumsy. Try to imagine how you feel when someone insults you like that? They don't have to be rude.