Why do they say be human when they mean warm, kind and friendly,

... even though humans are horrible creatures?

We (not all, just a provocative generalisation) exterminate other animals, we destroy habitats and are responsible for the deterioration of the climate. We kill each other out of revenge or greed and retaliation (or in war because someone told us to). We betray, lie and exploit each other and. There are so many things that we just seem to fuck up on purpose.

Of course there are people who help other people, but are they really more people than those who harm the earth and its inhabitants?

I am not saying that all people are equally shit, but you will know that each of you has some good and bad qualities. However, humans are generally not the nicest creatures on this planet. I sometimes think that we are only nice because we were brought up that way. Otherwise we would all be selfish, self-centred, greedy, stingy and much more. Probably the upbringing evolved because such a person wanted other people to be exploitable, learning early on that they had to discard that behaviour in order to be accepted. But that's just a thought.

Why do we say that one should be human? When I look around in the world, well-known people in particular are quite often inhuman by definition. At least that's the case in my place.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Because a well balanced and successful human is warm, kind and friendly.

    That's the ideal and goal for us to achieve.

    It's unfortunate the number of people that are far away from that goal - and even more-so the number of people who have no desire to be well balanced and successful.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Thats why communist theory is a joke. You need people to enforce rules. There can never br a utopian society where people will all get along and build houses for eachother. Imagine if there was no government to enforce the law for just a week. Itd be like the movie the purge. There'd be rapes and murders everywhere. Probably even by people you know who you thought were normal

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    • Tinybird

      I'd love it if some certain laws would disappear.

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    • LloydAsher

      The sooner people accept the reality of evil existing the easier it is to write off some humans completely from the standard society morality.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Because people were less pessimistic in times gone by and could see the value in humanity/ humans.

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  • Anoymous221

    You are correct, OP.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't say that.

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  • Good question. Most humans are trash

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