Why do we never hear the word "masculism"?

So the Feminist movement has played a huge role in shaping western society in this day and age, granting women the right to vote, decreasing the pay gap, awareness of domestic violence blah blah blah. All positive things contributing to a fairer society for women. I'm all for that, and I'm not suggesting we get rid of the tradition of respecting women that women have been working so hard to fight for...

I just feel like there are a large number of women who take advantage of men simply for being men, and society in general doesn't treat men's problems with an ounce of credibility.

For example, in divorce courts, there is an obvious bias towards the (ex) wife getting half her (ex) husband's stuff, and pre-nups being thrown out of the window.

Also, if you see a woman being beaten up by a man in the street, your natural reaction would be to stop her aggressor (this is absolutely the right thing to do, by the way), but if a man is being beaten up by a woman, the chances are that that man will be laughed at, and his masculinity would be called into question.

If a man cheats on his wife, he's a scumbag, but if a woman cheats on her husband, apparently he's the scumbag in that situation too.

Suicide rates among men are 8 times higher than that of women. Women recieve help with their mental health a lot of the time, but they also recieve plenty of validation through social media.

Basically what I'm saying is society doesn't afford men any of the same privileges it affords women. I feel like "Masculism" should be a whole movement in the same vein as Feminism, due to the fact that MGTOW seems to be filled with incels. I don't want to associate with incels, I just want genuine equality and to be taken seriously. If misogyny isn't acceptable, neither is misandry.

So, why isn't Masculism a thing?

Because pussy power and fuck the patriarchy 3
Really good question and "Masculism" should become a movement 7
Meh, we already have MGTOW 4
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Comments ( 12 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    Masculine Lives Matter.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    We need more masculine men. When I see the state of men in western countries they dont seem nearly as competitive as they should be. Look at men who are winners in sports, listen to what they say, you can literally other convince them that they could lose. They have such a drive to succeed and you should mold your boys to be like this to give them a good chance of success. I wanna hear men saying nothing will stop them from succeeding and not pointing fingers and making excuses for their failed life.

    I dont want to hear more men complaining about how guys cant share their emotions to the world. I dont want abunch of men sharing their emotions on facebook and I definitely dont want a world where men openly cry as the MGTOW crowd suggests. It should be encouraged to get married have and raise good kids and make good money. When you have all this men vs women shit it doesnt help your country. To maintain your country and culture you need to have kids. All this shit is causing ppl to have less.

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    • RoyyRogers

      I would like to point out though that there is no glory in succeeding on the backs of others. That tearing others down in a means of succeeding is somehow something to be proud of. Which is a lot of the mentality that had been adopted by the competitive company cultures.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        it seems to me youre playing the moral high ground as an excuse for lack of success. By working hard and getting a good job you arent really tearing other people down actually.

        I dont want to sound insulting but from what you said it seems you dont have a good understanding of economics if you believe you're tearing others down by succeeding in business. To put it short corporations dont set the wages the market does (supply and demand mostly). Blame the economy if you dont like your pay. In the 1950s everyone had high pay and affordable houses and it wasnt because business owners werent greedy.

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        • RoyyRogers

          Yes, its the moral high ground to believe one should be recognized for hard work and not by making others look bad. That the only way I ever gained anything was because I was recognized for working hard. I should rather stab my coworkers in the back to help myself. You know I could have but unlike you I am not a jack ass. I could have told my boss how to cut everyone else's pay to get a fat salary in my own pocket but really did I earn that? If I earn money by fucking everyone over did I earn it? No I just earned money by being a fucking snake. Which is clearly something you would do because you have 0 ethics what so ever. People like you aim to ruin everyone's lives to succeed but people like you don't really deserve anything. If you want a girlfriend but you can only get a girl by making your freind look bad or demeaning the girl are you a prize? No you are a fucking prick and you deserve to get your teeth knocked in. Do you know how many assholes I have known with your kind of shitty ass attitude? Here's the funny thing people who are worth it don't need to go out of thier way to destroy others to succeed. People like you are the scum of the earth and you deserve to be spat on. You have no worth if you only can look good by demeaning others. You worthless sack of shit. You don't even qualify as a man either. You are a worthless little shit head. Please go kill yourself so we don't have to worry about your kind ruining the world for the rest of us. The only thing people like you know how to do is destroy things. Unproductive swine need not pollute the earth with thier existence.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I totally agree. However, while masculism isn't a thing, there men's rights groups. You could get involved with one of them. Still though, I fully agree that they're not taken seriously at all by society, which is a shame.

    I think people assume that this is a 'men vs. women' thing if people support men's rights groups, but it's not. Just like with any women's support groups, it's a 'scumbag vs. innocent person' thing. There are scumbag women out there that will ruin a man's life, just like there are scumbag men out there that will ruin a woman's life.

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  • Username333

    Pretty sure they are called "mens rights activists".

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  • adobeslats

    You aren’t gonna like the answer, but the reason is that women historically put in the effort to create the feminist movement, while the same effort was unnecessary for men.

    Nowadays, sure, there are a few mens lib movements and mens rights activists. But the majority of the time the subject only pops up to counter feminism (as in this post), so it doesn’t gain much traction outside of internet arguments.
    Never mind that the majority of the problems listed are still related to what feminism was originally about - men have been considered superior by society, therefore “men are the providers, if you get beat up by the inferior it’s laughable, if your woman cheats it must be your fault, you aren’t allowed to be sad because weakness is for women”, etc.

    Feminism has since lost its way, so masculism would be fighting fire with fire at this point.

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    • I'm fully aware that the Sufragette movement happened. The point is, the Sufragette movement happened in a time when it was necessary for something like that to take hold.

      What I'm trying to get at is the fact that things have gone so far the other way now that a credible men's rights movement which campaigns for an end to institutional and societal misandry without continually disrespecting all the hard work feminists have done for women throughtout history would be incredibly welcome in today's society.

      All I'm asking for is the same level of respect and tolerance for men as has been granted to women. No-one on a pedastal, just equal levels of importance for both genders.

      Am I really acting entitled for wanting that?

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      • adobeslats

        I believe that’s called egalitarianism.

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  • Feminism in action:

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    • This is the kind of thing I was trying to avoid. We don't need to point out toxic women's flaws in order to be respected as upstanding gentlemen.

      Women falsely accusing men of rape isn't a by-product of Feminism, it's a by-product of misandry. If you disrespect women whilst attempting to ask for respect yourself as a man, it completely undermines your objective.

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