Why do women live a delusion

Majority of men would leave in a heart beat if the women could No longer give him sex hypothetically speaking. Why do women live a delusion?? At the end of the day, most men would leave if something was wrong with her vagina and she could not longer fuck him thus it is conditional love even in relationships that look loyal and loving.

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Comments ( 25 )
  • FromTheSouthWeirdGuy

    What you say is bullshit. Id never leave my wife. I dont care if she gained 200 pounds and cheated on me. I'm not going no where. 🤣

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    • Thats a change

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdGuy

        You have to realize when couples get old and wrinkly the sex slows down anyway. In your 60s you're not gonna be wanting AS much sex from your 60 year old wife.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Okay.... not sure how this makes women live in a 'delusion'. Do you even know what thay means? You are kinda right with how much about sec it often is in today's culture, but I don't think it is a problem. And there are still exceptions also.

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    • It is a problem. Why do most women waste time with men when majority of men would leave them in a heart beat if they were born longer able to allow them to stick their dick her hole

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Because women want sex too! They just tend to want it with someone they also feel emotionally connected with. It is complicated.

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        • curious-bunny

          Exactly, I'm glad there is an intelligent reply under this post

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            Thanks! Someone needed to explain the basics of relationships to this chum!

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            • I am not a chum, the reality still stands and ofc people who cant see the obvious dont agree 😏

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        • And? Just because they want sex doenst mean they "need" it. Women aren't like men in the way that if he couldn't have sex, she would ditch him

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          • LOLFanProductions

            Your post is stereotyping women! You are definitely a chum dude! There's women out there who want sex more than average men. Some women even cheat or are just down right manipulative towards the other person to fulfill their desires. Also, ever heard of Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome? Some women have it which literally means that some may need sex because the arousal is unbearable. So yeah, YOU'RE A DAMN CHUM!

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            • That's the minority so you're the chum if yall still ignorant af

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          • palehorse

            "Women aren't like men in the way that if he couldn't have sex, she would ditch him."

            This... is decidedly false.

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