Why do you celebrate christmas, if you're not a christian

Why do people who are not Christian celebrate Christmas. I mean they go all out with the tree, gifts, wrapping paper, even putting up decorations.

Other reason, please explain 9
I just like giving gifts 9
I'm not Christian, but I get all caught up in the commercializatio 2
I just like getting gifts 5
I'm Christian 7
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Comments ( 31 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Western countries have their culture tied in with christianity. Even if you arent religious its still a cultural holiday.

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  • M0N0crowMATlC

    It's nice to look at the lights and decorations

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I don't celebrate it but I think people like the routine of spending time with loved ones and gift giving

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  • LloydAsher

    Its winter. It's cold and crappy outside. Any reason to sit by a fire together is good. Exchanging gifts isnt required but if it's how you encourage round the year obedience and good behaviour that's good.

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  • ThatGayBitch

    My whole family (extended family included) is religious so even tho i am an atheist i still celebrate with them :p

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  • miss_jass06

    I'm an atheist, but I simply like celebrating Christmas. I was raised celebrating them and it just takes me back to my childhood, I like the atmosphere. Family time, cozy, decorations and giving each other gifts. It's just a nice tradition that I don't wanna stop.

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  • Tinybird

    presents, duh

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  • WhatEvenIsNormal

    Because my family (who I live with) does. When I move out I plan to stop celebrating.

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  • SmokesTheScrapper

    I've been Christian. I keep up with traditions that's it.

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    I couldn't really care less about christmas and I really dislike a lot of aspects about it, but I enjoy getting to meet up with family members I typically don't get the chance to talk to.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Im not religious at all but my family loves the holiday season and im not going to ruin it for them, even though im a bit of a scrooge inside

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  • DasRoteHexe

    Candy canes and snow

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  • I dont celebrate it.

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    • Thank goodness there is someone who is not a hypocrit,

      As long as you are not a scrooge or Grinch, trying to ruin Christmas for those that do celebrate it.

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      • RoyyRogers

        You realize that Christmas is a pegan holiday. Christians smacked a Jesus sticker on most of the holidays since no one wanted to give up thier celebrations. You should learn your history before you start asking ignorant questions. So the auctual hypocrite is you and the Bible says hypocrites are not real Christians.

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        • darefu

          This whole post shows how corrupt and warped people have become with the celebration of Christmas.

          Yes, there was a pegan celebration for the winter solstice, depending on what you read it lasted from a week to a month, (Sounds like it could have been fun too). There are other various celebrations around the world that have been incorporated in to the Christmas celebration. The tree, firewood, special food, even mistletoe came from various celebrations around the world.

          However, none were named Christmas or celebrated the birth of Jesus. It's like saying people in the USA celebrate the 4th of July because of the pegan celebration of the summer solstice.

          Granted the true date of birth of Jesus is not known but the timing of the events known, and the celebration of what some considered the Roman celebration "the beginning of new life" establish the 25th of December through the Roman Catholic Church as the date.

          Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ The giving with no expectation of return gifts is a representation of the wise men and shepherds who gave of them selves in appreciation of gods gift.

          If you want to celebrate another event, Hanukkah, the winter solstice, fatting and butcher of the herd, fermentation of the wine or any other celebrated event that's up to you.

          "how did Christmas start? As history explains, it began as a religious festival. Over the years, elements of pagan festivals were integrated into the Christmas celebration. Nonetheless, Christmas was consistently a time for families to come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus and worship together. The religious activities were enhanced by food, drink, decorations, and an appreciation of winter as a doorway to the renewal of spring."

          Christians come from all walks of life so it's understandable how many other celebrated traditions have been blended in to the Christmas celebration. However, if you are just celebrating, food, family, turn of the season, what ever your personal reason that's fine, you are just not celebrating Christmas. Call it what you want but I agree with the OP it is hypocritical to call it, or celebrate "Christmas" if you are not a Christian.

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          • RoyyRogers

            Christmas as we know it has nothing to do with Jesus. Jesus birth and resurrection is also recorded to be on a different date than both Christmas and Easter. If you were a real Christian you would know this and you wouldn't be celebrating a pegan Holiday becuase it has nothing to do with Jesus. You would be celebrating the birth of Jesus and Jesus coming back from the grave. Also Saturday is the day of sabbath when one is suppose to honor Jesus. It is not on Sunday but it was moved to Sunday becuase of everyone's schedule. So if you are a REAL Christian learn about your heritage and stop celebrating pegan holidays. Otherwise shut up with you're bullshit and let people celebrate thier holidays you fraud.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    so i can give the gift of stone ground mustard

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    • dirtybirdy

      Ahhhhhh...my pop pop used to get me a jar of that every year. In an adorable little round jar...fucks sake I can't remember the brand.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        i got a dozen jars of different varieties from rayes and let everyone pick a couple that they liked which left two jars for me

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        • dirtybirdy

          Send me one,asshole 🤣🤣kidding, but ya...its like crack...I neeeeed it

          What the fuck is rayes??

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            its stone ground mustard dammit

            or is it damnit?

            anyway you asked so i told now git off your tailfeathers and google it

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    It's fun.

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  • Somenormie

    I'm not a Christian nor have any religious beliefs but I celebrate Christmas as a tradition mostly because it's been in my family for years and years and partly because during the Christmas holidays I prefer some time with my family and extended family.

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  • It's so hypocritical, for people to say they don't believe in Christianity, Christmas, and Jesus, yet they celebrate the holiday, take the time off from work, put up a tree, give and receive gifts, all in Christ's name. At the same time complain about somebody saying Merry Christmas, and the commercialization of the holiday.

    If you didn't lie to yourselves and your children, telling them all the stories about Christmas, just admit I'm celebrating Christ's birthday because everybody else does, even though I don't believe in Christ or God.

    If non-believers didn't celebrate and you left it a Christian Holiday, then most of the stuff you hate about it would calm down some. But you don't want to be the parent or person that says, kids you don't get gifts for Christmas, tell others I don't give or take gifts for Christmas, I don't take time off or celebrate Christmas so I'll stay and work and I don't want holiday pay.

    Thinking about it, the same would apply to any holiday. If you don't like it, or like what it celebrates, then don't celebrate it! Don't take the time off, extra pay, or give into all the hoopla that goes with it.

    It really just shows you as a hypocrite or that you're just a fake and afraid to stand up for your own beliefs because of what people will think.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      i dont believe in jesus just santa

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    • RoyyRogers

      Christmas is a government recognized holiday. In most cases everything is closed if one likes it or not. This includes private employees. So you again are proving to be a retard becuase you clearly never had a job.

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      • I guess the only place that exists is your country. It's all about you,

        You're simple thoughts shows who is really mentally challenged.

        Have a nice life in your rabbit hole.

        "I live in my own little world but it's okay they know me there" fits you well

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        • RoyyRogers

          Actually a lot of countrys celebrate Christmas and Halloween specifically. Though you could say there's several versions of Halloween as the main theme is honoring the dead and dressing in costumes. While Christmas is more or less the same holiday but adopted by more than one place. Japan of all places has a Xmas. Which seems odd because knowing Japan Christmas doesn't seem to have anything to do with them. It's very easy to point out how stupid you are when you complain about things you know nothing about. Also you stated anyone who misses work because of a holiday is stupid if they do not like or agree with that holiday. Which if the government recognizes the holiday the likely hood of you getting it off is high. Which regardless of country is valid.

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          • Not sure what "Xmas" is I don't recognize this as a proper way of saying Christmas. Of course it is a good way of saying what non-Christians are celebrating, a holiday with Christ removed.

            Are you saying there are no Christians in Japan? There are only a few like 1 or 2 percent. However that has little to do with their Christmas celebration.

            Japan does celebrate Christmas, though it is not an official Japanese holiday.
            Christmas has only been widely celebrated in Japan for the last few decades. It's still not seen as a religious holiday or celebration. several customs came to Japan from the USA and are popular.

            In Japan, Christmas in known as more of a time to spread happiness rather than a religious celebration. Christmas Eve is often celebrated more than Christmas Day. Christmas Eve is thought of as a romantic day. In many ways it resembles Valentine's Day celebrations in the UK and the USA.

            You are actually helping me prove my point. It's either that or you can't read. I said earlier that there are many many celebrations around the world at the same time of year. There are many countries that don't recognize "Christmas" but still have a celebration, helping with your point about the pagen celebration.

            Maybe my question was just worded poorly. I could care less if everybody in the world celebrated around the same time I just don't understand why they wish to call themselves celebrating "Christmas". Call it what it is; a solstice, a renewed life, a butchering of the herd, a get nude and party day, or as you put it Xmas celebration. It's just not a Christmas celebration if you're not celebrating Christ.

            BTW, I normally try not to resort to name calling or taking personal shots at people because it normally gives the opposite impression. You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine. You seem to be a good example of today's world problem; "if you don't believe as I do, you are wrong, raciest, ignorant or stupid."

            Have a nice life and Happy New Year!

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            • RoyyRogers

              So you have proven you do not know what Christmas, Christianity, or any sort of abbreviations used with these common words. Yet you believe you have a reason to be condescension to others. Xmas is an abbreviation for Christmas. Since x is like a cross. Do you get it idiot?

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