Why do you check this site?
I come on here to see if I'm normal. | 44 | |
I come here when I'm bored. | 85 | |
Both; this site rules! | 70 | |
Neither; wtf am I doing here? | 27 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 12 |
Ask Your Question today
I come on here to see if I'm normal. | 44 | |
I come here when I'm bored. | 85 | |
Both; this site rules! | 70 | |
Neither; wtf am I doing here? | 27 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 12 |
I just enjoy seeing what others question about, having the chance to answer, share my opinions.
initially looking for answers, now because I've sadly become addicted to this site.
I used to come on here looking for stories that can actualy be considered not normal but all I found was relationship stories and after an email from the management I have been stripped from making negative opinions about the constant relationship stories. Its the managements right and choice to tell me to not be as negative but I can only speak my honest opinion about 25% of the time im on here now. I dont really read the stories anymore or even scroll down to the stories anymore because I think they are now just starting to be the same. I go only on polls now.
It's interesting;and sometimes i make opinion;
also I ike some of the posters.
I come for a variety of reasons. Helping people, being myself and the users are my top reasons:)
I just found out about this site today and have allready wasted 3 hours here. I like it a lot more than facebook. It's fun, it's anonymous, and most of the reactions are funny and/or intelligent.
I genuinely check out this site to see if I can help someone. A lot are very young and their problems seem insurmountable to them but as I've seen it, done it and got the tee-shirt I hope I can help them see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I only read the titles of the newest stories / polls now coz yes, the teenage relationships are just too immature to comment on.