Why do you go to walmart?

What does Walmart offer, that isn’t cheaper wholesale (Costco)? Or that isn’t more convenient than ordering online and having it shipped to you?

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Comments ( 36 )
  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I don't go there I prefer Target

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    • Gambler

      Why? It’s the same stuff, just more expensive, no?

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      • LloydAsher

        It has better towels. Pretty much just an upgrade to walmart in base quality. The side benefit is less poor crazy people. Now all you got to deal with is middle class crazy people.

        Walmart has variety but not quality. Target has lesser variety but better quality. And Costco has massive variety in bulk. Wanna buy a pallet of a single product and not cost 100 dollars? Costco. Wanna buy normal groceries without a membership? Walmart. Want a coffee maker that doesnt break within 2 months? Target.

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        • raisinbran

          I would argue that Costco has very little variety.

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          • LloydAsher

            Never been to one. So I was just inputting what I heard about it.

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            • raisinbran

              They don't carry competing products unless it's their own 'kirkland' brand. Often you'll get used to buying a specific product there and then they'll discontinue it from all their stores.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          i broke my mr coffee carafe and went to get a replacement at walmart

          it was 12 bucks for a caraffe or 17 for a whole new one

          that was 2016 and i just finished makin my coffee with it this mornin

          would i buy an expensive complicated espresso machine there? fuck no

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          • LloydAsher

            I agree, if you want to fill out your place with cheap crap and appliances, nothing is better than walmart. But for the good stuff any specialty store beats Walmart.

            I dont have a particularly good taste in things so cheap is fine. Cant taste the difference between 3$ and 40$ steaks.

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              a decent ribeye runs about 15-20 bucks here

              i dont think id bother with a 3 dollar steak but itd prolly work fine for slicin up as sandwich fill or chili or stew

              i flew to baltimore overnight this week and one restaurant i was at wanted 85 bucks for a steak

              i had one 25 dollar cocktail and moved on

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  • RoseIsabella

    I go to Walmart for the purpose of farting openly in public as protest against the people of Walmart.

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    • raisinbran

      I fart everywhere now. The people wearing masks can't smell anyway.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yes, but it's the people of Walmart who actually deserve the crop dusting.

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  • JustJazzin

    I hate Walmart. I literally get anxiety every time I am in that store. It feels so dirty and full of germs and the people don’t have any idea of personal space. Just the other day I did a self check out and this woman was literally up my ass on line. I told her to back up. If there’s one thing positive I can take from the pandemic, it’s the personal space/social distancing we once had. Now all of a sudden people are right back to being within your personal space. Aside from that, Walmart is a good store to get things at a cheaper price, but honestly I prefer online shopping. I go to Walmart primarily for detergents, cleaning supplies and toiletries. Everything else is through Amazon, Target, Macys etc lol

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  • Holzman_67

    I like their selection of refried beans

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  • jethro

    I go to try and find the crazy dressed people I see in all of those internet photos. I have never seen anyone like that in any Walmart I have ever gone to. Where is that Walmart?

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    • LloydAsher

      The south. Or where poverty/drug use is relatively high.

      Not saying the south is poor or drug filled but the south also tends to have abundent "regular" type of crazy people.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      The more ghetto parts of NY have them. XD

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Some things are cheaper at Wal-Mart than Target. I work at Target and even with an employee discount Walmart often has things that are cheaper.

    Also, I've got no need to pay for a whole sale membership to Costco since my boyfriend and I don't have kids or a huge family.

    Ordering groceries and clothes online means I'd just be cooped up in the house all day. I like going out to do my shopping. There's just something about being in a store that brings me joy. Plus I don't have to piss away money on shipping fees, delivery fees, or tips if I just go out and do it myself. XD

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Ive never seen a costco in my life.

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  • litelander8

    I don’t. Like ever.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Walmart is the only store withing 45 miles that carries dust mite covers for mattresses and pillows. They also carry large bags of natural almonds that my wife eats which prevents us from driving an additional 45 miles for that too.

    There are a few other items the come up occasionally. As for general shopping - I don't do that at Wallmart.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Some days when I go to my local Walmart I swear the freak show is in town.
    And the obese people on the motorized carts...I think walking around the store might actually do them some good. They always seem to congregate in the aisle with chips & junk food.

    I once saw a fat guy pushing a cart and his pants fell to his knees exposing his bare ass. Maybe that's why they drive the carts?

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  • kelili

    There's no Walmart here. :(

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  • wigz

    I try like hell not to go there at all. Sometimes I need something that you can't get anywhere else and I don't have time to wait for it to ship, or sometimes there's no reliable online vendor for a certain product. Other than that, I don't shop there. I don't care about paying extra to not shop there either, it's only about a serious need if I do go there.

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  • GaelicPotato

    We don't have a Wallmart.

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  • bbrown95

    I prefer not to buy food items in bulk because there's no way I'll get it all eaten before it expires. Even frozen stuff will get freezer burn before I use it all up.

    I am getting fed up with getting bad onions every time I go to Wal-Mart, though. That and them always being out of many things. Other than that, their prices are good, they have a decent selection (when stuff is in stock, that is), and some of my friends work there and it's nice to see them there!

    I do like shopping at Target and occasionally a couple of my local grocery stores too, though.

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  • raisinbran

    I only go to Walmart for the cultural experience.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      My country has ASDA instead of Walmart and I once saw two obese chavs have a Febreeze fight in an aisle then put the cans back on the shelve and casually walk away.

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      • raisinbran

        Probably their substitute for showering.

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  • LloydAsher

    Costco in my area is just far enough away to not shop there. Not going to tack on an extra 30 miles for marginal savings. Plus you have to have a membership which kinda forces you to go to Costco. Plus my area already has like 3 tiers of grocery store that isnt nation wide.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Whenever I lived in Arkansas, my family would shop there regularly. Walmart in Arkansas is actually pretty damn good compared to the other options so it was well worth it. (This makes since though as Walmart originated there.) Unless you lived in Little Rock you basically only had Dollar General, Sam's Club (owned by Walmart), or Kroger.

    Now that I'm in New Mexico I don't shop there at all. Local stores for the win.

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