Why do you not return friends' non-trivial messages?

Maybe different demographics use texts, IM, or email differently, but it seems most people who have smart phones usually have them nearby, and are even on them very often. Discounting the trivial, "Hey, what's up?" kind of texts, what reason do those who habitually don't reply to messages asking something specific (and non-intrusive) have for never replying?

Thanks in advance for the honesty...

I'm usually at work or school 1
I'm usually driving when I get messages 0
There's too much competing for my attention 3
I don't reply to messages from people I don't really like 3
I don't reply to messages unless the person can do something for me 0
I like making people feel my time is more valuable than theirs 1
I just don't want to be bothered 7
I'm usually already with family or friends and don't want to be rude 1
Other (please comment) 1
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Tempest-au

    I don't have a "smartphone", and more often than not any SMS I receive is some advertising BS from somewhere, so often I don't even look if I hear it beep. If it's important, they will phone me.

    Emails I usually check maybe 3 times a week at most, unless I'm actually expecting something.

    IM through FB I'll respond to if I notice them on my PC or IPad, but I don't check it every 5 minutes. Often I sleep weird hours, so even in the day I could well be asleep, and not get it until later.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Usually I'm at work or with someone and I wait until later. Though sometimes I do forget to message them later on. Most of their stuff is trivial anyway, like what color shoes they should wear tomorrow or if I could go to the store later and buy an item for them.

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  • mysistersshadow

    Need to be able to check more than 1 box.

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