Why does ms change to mrs but mr doesn't change?
When women get married, their title changes from "Ms" to "Mrs", but when men get married their title stays "Mr". Why is that?
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When women get married, their title changes from "Ms" to "Mrs", but when men get married their title stays "Mr". Why is that?
They don't change from Ms. to Mrs. They change from Miss to Mrs.
Ms. is an alternate that can be used by either single or married women.
Good lord. This post was not about male privilege, it was just about titles. I know that you're trying to seem funny or some shit right now, but lord almighty do you look dumb. Especially since you commented this twice trying to get attention... I mean, c'mon, really?
How about, because we got too pissed off and made them do away with just using a capital M for master years ago.
Married men don’t need a change of title to prove ownership as we are easily identifiable by our ‘well-fed’ guts and lack of BO
Okay, yeah, I'm aware, but why does a woman's title change after marriage and a man's doesn't?
Ohhh, I misunderstood your question. The most likely thing is also pretty depressing--women have historically been treated like commodities or a means to form a business or political relationship with another family. Changing from Ms. to Mrs. was probably a social custom to identify which women have already been "claimed"
What's the big deal? Looks like you're trying to start something. It's nothing, who cares? A woman can call herself Miss after marriage if she wants to, or Mr or whatever she feels like at the time.
You're very obsessed with this post for some reason even though it's irrelevant now. I never tried to start anything. I was asking a question, I did not imply that women can't go by what they choose, merely asked why there is a variation for married women and not one for married men. The fact that you clearly chose to take it that I was implying this was a male vs female issue, or that it's an issue at all which I never said it was, is your problem, not mine. Please, go get a life and step away from your computer before you attempt to argue with more random people on the internet over something stupid just because you assumed something else was meant by a simple question.
I'd argue that mrs has a lot more social weight than ms. Mr. Is just flat out formal to begin with.