Why does my boyfriend hurt our kitten flicking him really hard ?
I've caught my boyfriend holding our kitten flicking him making him scream, he tries to hide doing it then can't explain why. He seems to love my cats & 3 8wk old kittens. The other 2 are playful, energetic, happy. The othr one which is a boy is depressed, lethargic, sad. He will never get the chance to hurt him again.
So is it true all these stories of wanting/needing to hurt kittens because too cute ??? Seriously I need to know. There was 2 more kittens, found 1 under my bed dead but was healthy happy an hr before. 2 wks later 1 apparantly fell out my window while I was outside & heard her screaming, I held her broken body then vet put her down & said she also had brain damage. I don't have anyone to talk too & would appreciate ur feedback.