Why does my boyfriend wank over porn...im asleep
My boyfriend wanks over porn on the internet or watching it on TV. I am in upstairs in bed when he does this i have children so im tired and wake up at 6am every morning for them.
I have never actually walked into the room when he's doing it, i think this is because if he hears me walking down the stairs hes got time to stop and switch channels!
I only know because I was up on the landing peering down when he came to the hallway to get a wetwipe off the shelf with his penis dangling out and cum on his palm. I look for the wetwipe every morning now!
On the internet he has typed in specific names and descriptive words to look for the right video to watch ie: devine(pornstar),fart,squirting etc.
He more or less does this every night. we do have sex tho but im not getting enough to make me feel like im still loved and attractive. we used to have great sex and now hes selfish and doesnt really care like he did about me not releasing my frustration and climaxing.
I am so upset that he does this especially when im just a walk up the stairs. is this normal? or is there something wrong with me and he doesnt want me every night? i would watch porn with him but its like hes almost embarrased!
I dont know yet if he is using webcams i dont know how to find that one out! its like hes cheating on me that is exactly how i feel, so everyday im in a bad mood with him and i have confronted him but we argued and had a massive fight with no resolving my issue that hurts me so bad.
I do wish though like many others have said that all pornstars should be killed they are hoes yet if us 'normal' women cheat we are the ho "yet your happy to wank over one!! "
Please help!!! am i being silly? I love sex but i want him to come to me more insted of hiding and doing this. Oh and hes not really a great person to confront he finds it soooo hard to talk!!
I would love some male advice or answers as to what they think this is? and women please be here for me too!!! are you going through the same
Thanx guys