Why does my coworker have a pedal under their desk?

I work in an office and we all sit at cubicles in front of computers like a call center. Another employee that I don't know appears to have a pedal under her desk. It's not like cycling pedals where maybe you'd burn calories. It's like a gas pedal, but maybe two feet long and 1 foot wide. I could possibly be not seeing clearly as it's not out in the open. Is anyone else familiar with what I think I'm seeing

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Scoos

    It's a gas pedal in case they need to go somewhere else. Don't press down on it because it might be set in reverse.

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    • I think you hit the nail on the head there.

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  • idkyourmom27

    bro about to go drifting

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Does she do transcription work? My boyfriend had those pedals for that purpose.

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    • Maybe. How would it factor into that kind of job?

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      • LloydAsher

        Transcriptions use a different keyboard than a regular keyboard.

        Since you need to type the transcript as the person is speaking, and most people cant write that fast the transcription keyboard uses an alphabet that blends letters together. Simplifies the writing process. The pedal could be used as a break in a line of thought.

        Transcription keyboards have only like 10 keys.

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  • litelander8

    It might not be for exercising but maybe for stretching if they have ankle or knee or even hip issues.

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