Why does pricing have an impact on marketing?
If you want to maximize pricing, one of the most effective ways to take advantage of it is by implementing price segmentation.
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If you want to maximize pricing, one of the most effective ways to take advantage of it is by implementing price segmentation.
surprised at the number of people who dont understand supply and demand, that is what sets the price.
Well its really simple.
You will buy a hot dog (or similar) for a few dollars... You won't buy one if they are priced a hundred dollars or more.
Will you make more money by selling hot dogs (with bun and fixings) for $2 each, or for $100 each (where you only sell 1-3 per day)
Alternatively, you can hire some social media marketing firm and get them to manufacture a huge buzz about how your artisanal, vegan, carbon-neutral, gold-leaf coated hotdogs are the most incredible hotdogs in the whole freaking cosmos, and sell a limited edition of 100 each day for $500 each.
Ah, the "Juicero" approach... Proof that people are dumb enough to buy anything if you sugarcoat it enough and got a kickass marketing team.
I was actually thinking of "Salt Bae" (Turkish butcher/chef Nusret Gökçe) who has hyped his social media presence so effectively that he has a global chain of restaurants selling absurdly over-priced food - like a gold-leaf covered steak for nearly £1,000.
most vegan hipsters are too poor for 500 dollar hotdogs
the real trap is to get ball players & popular musicians eatin em while doin other indulgent rich people shit and loosely imply that only badass vips deserve em