Why does the left love lockdown but hate the government?

So this seems to be a LEFT DEMOCRAT thing as it seems people who claim themselves as "Liberal" seem somewhat less extreme. The radical left though makes no sense. I mean at least the conservatives and Republicans are consistent even when they are are doing something most disagree with. The Left will say the government sucks, hate the cops, America is racist and how the government needs to be demolished. Yet, most of them will talk about how the Lockdown has saved us all and the government putting us on lockdown SAVED EVERYONE and if you do not blindly follow what the Government says about the vaccine you are a evil villain as bad as Hitler. Why cant they make up their minds? Do they hate the government, or do they need us to worship the government? If you have a party that is consistent even when they are being awful and a party that doesn't seem to know what side they are on, I think the people would be more willing to vote with the party that is at the least predictable.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • darefu

    From what I've seen the left only hates the government because of the other sides that get to participate. If there wasn't, liberals, moderates, and conservatives, and it was all dictator type stuff then no problem. If you disagree with them then they'd just lock you up or kill you.

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    • So liberals, socialist, Left and moderates are different things?

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      • darefu

        I guess that depends on where you're at but in my experience, yes

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  • LloydAsher

    They love the goverment... just when its governed with their people.

    Same can be said about the right.

    I say we just strip the goverment to the bare bones. But of course no one wants to rule out their own jobs. So I go with those who promote as little goverment control as possible.

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  • AsterBean

    Any party that refuses to change with the times and adapt to the growing needs of the people is destined to become obsolete.

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    • ospry

      Which is why the left is pioneering a bright trail ahead by insisting Black people are too retarded to know how to acquire state ID, which is why we need to eliminate election securities. That sounds pretty progressive and adapting to the needs of the people: corrupt the electoral system on the basis that people of color are fucking braindead

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      • AsterBean

        I see you are polarized. Is this what braindead means?

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        • ospry

          Braindead is insisting that Republicans are the most vile, disgusting racists while simultaneously saying that the reason we need to make elections significantly less secure is because you have completely lack faith in the cognitive abilities of the average people of color to complete basic tasks like get state ID

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  • wigz

    The OP said "So this seems to be a LEFT DEMOCRAT thing as it seems people who claim themselves as "Liberal" seem somewhat less extreme. The radical left though makes no sense".

    The "radical left" absolutely does hate the govt. What are examples of the radical left doing what you say?

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    I don't even know wtf I am politically these days. People seem to just be saying words and having superiority complexes and wanting to work on a left-right spectrum when it's in reality the political spectrum is probably more circular or in a sphere shape.

    I believe in democracy. No government is going to be perfect, obviously. I believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That includes being able to afford healthcare. I believe in absolute egalitarianism, but I also believe children and other vulnerable populations (disabled, elderly) deserve extra protections and accomodations. I believe people should be allowed to own firearms but the laws are obviously not working in this country. I'm not an expert though, I cannot give an answer as to why our country seems to be the way it is with mass shootings. I'm not going to lecture people on something when I don't have a solution I think will work. There's too many things at play.

    Most of all I want people to leave me alone and I want the ability to afford to live in the middle of nowhere, on a farm with no one bothering me.

    So yeah. I don't know where I am politically. I liked Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. I assume all modern politicians are pedophiles, including Trump and Clinton. Epstein buddies.

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  • wigz

    The radical left? Like, that would be anarchists for example, who would definitely not want government at all, let alone government telling you what to do. Or accelerationists, also wouldn't care, would actually want more destruction. The "radical left" you seem to be pointing to may just be the average person. Certainly not radical.

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  • wigz

    Think about it this way...the government wants you to know how to read, and they'll teach you for free. You can then use that ability to read to better yourself, or you can use it to enrich the upper class. Or, you can surmise that because the government wants you to be able to read, that reading must be bad so DON'T READ!! (And enrich the upper class in the process of your protest). Figure it out.

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  • Oh, well okay this makes more sense.

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