Why does the pride parade have to be so depraved?

i went to the pride parade for the first time with my daughter (i have several friends in the LGBT community) and even though i had fun at the beginning it felt really weird, all those people wearing latex and dongs and spanking each other, one of them even danced closely to my daughter (she's 8). they were all smoking and almost fucking each other if that was okay

why can't you parade for your rights in a peaceful and elegant manner? i think homophobia nowadays is more linked to those depraved behaviors than love being same sex people.

also for those who say pride parade isn't suitable for children:
1. i thought children were supposed to know about this early?
2. why should someone be offended because of what you're doing? can't you just adjust what you do?

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Comments ( 15 )
  • Quite on board with you.

    They want a pride parade to signify they're just like everyone else while making a pride parade as an excuse to try act special by acting like absolute depraved idiots.

    Honestly, who's mind is going to be changed on LGBQ rights when they're acting like absolute horndog douches?

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    • Seriously. I was okay with it at the beginning when I saw another pride parade this time taking place in Japan, I'll leave the link if I find it but they were basically parading in peace and decent outfits, and that was honestly very pleasing to watch, you just wanted to get on board with them and protest.
      But this time, I mean... I saw one guy pretending to fist another. Im not against any practice of any sort but, aren't there other times to do this? Idk.

      I think that being gay is something that everyone should accept regardless of a pride parade, but that doesnt mean that gay people shouldn't adjust a little bit to the most conservative people. Change starts on both sides.

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      • wigz

        Stop thinking of the parade as a presentation put on for you. It's not. These days it is more of a community event for the strength and comfort of the people participating.

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        • Okay, but then you can't blame other people for not being on board with this and accepting. Do you really expect people to be on board with everything? Dude, you're insane.

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          • wigz

            I get what you're saying and to be honest I don't think I would enjoy one of these parades myself either but my or your enjoyment of it is not the goal so...that makes perfect sense. I mean, really, why would you go to a pride parade thinking it would be a show catered to you? That's stupid (and entitled). It's for the LGBTQ community first and foremost, it's not a fucking show they put on with the aim to win over the rest of the world. If you attended with that in mind instead of expecting it to revolve around you then you probably would've had a different experience.

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  • PoliticalQuagmire

    I've never been, so I'll speak using your explaination as gospel. Any large group provides anonymity, meaning people act less dignified. You can see this in comment sections for popular YouTube videos, where there are inevitably people spamming hatred. Something they wouldn't do face-to-face, as they expect to remain un-named, and therefore to not be held accountable. Also the fact that no one can reasonably tell people they are acting stupidly at these parades as it will be amalgamated with homophobic hatred of their pride. This allows them to act however they wish, and as Lord Of The Flies tells us, that isn't going to be a societally acceptable way.

    My main concern is not their behaviour however, but your final opinion that if someone is offended, everyone should adjust to suit them. Firstly, in the context of children, does that mean GTA and COD shouldn't exist as games, because they aren't suitable for toddlers? Secondly, in the broader context, why should they have to change for you? The needs of the many outweigh the few, and apart from you saying they can't enjoy themselves so you can take your child, it's more practical in many cases for you to just not partake, rather than the entire status quo being changed for your standards.

    No, I don't think it's stupid you went, not knowing that's how the event is, but that defence screams that you're someone who thinks the world should fit them, and I don't approve of that mentality.

    Oh, I also believe the costumes are because of the fact it needs to stand out and make a statement, the actions of almost having sex are the anonymous fuelled bit.

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    • sasaki1700

      I don't think he ever said anything about forcing them to change how they represent themselves. He simply stated that he doesn't understand or disagress with how they do so and how changing certain things will expose the LGBT community to a wider audience. I guess when it comes to a minority group you can't have a personal opinion on such matters, especially when you aren't them huh? Besides, children are supposed to see a good representation of the LGBT community. Isn't a pride parade about tolerance and acceptance? Shouldn't you not run around nearly fucking each other if you want to display a positive message for future generations? Each side needs to adjust in order for change to insue. If the LGBT community wants acceptance and recognition from more conservative people then maybe not appear like a sex cult. Also of course he wouldn't express how he feels about this representation of the LGBT communitt because he'd be called a homophobic bigot for expressing "hate" just because he disagrees with the community's representation. Hell your GTA and COD statement doesn't even make any sense. They are violent video games and aren't directed towards children, pride parades are apart of a literal social movement around the world meant to appear and influence anyone of any age. The man just wanted to make his child aware of the gay community and didn't agree with it's representation in a pride parade. He thought a social movement would be for everyone to be exposed to even young children and he was wrong and disagreed with how the parade was handled.

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      • PoliticalQuagmire

        "why should someone be offended because of what you're doing? can't you just adjust what you do?"

        That's not saying that people shouldn't have to adjust their actions because you take personal offence to them?

        My COD and GTA point was to bring my opinion of how stupid that is to say, to something that already excludes people. It wasn't about the parade, it was about the above statement. I was trying to hammer home that not everything needs to include everyone.

        As for you saying that he's only disagreeing, I'm only explaining my opinion on why it is that way, and why it will likely not change. Granted I merged the two things about including everyone and how he found it distasteful, but I stand by what I said. And the entire point of the parade is freedom, so the point when they listen to people telling them how to celebrate that freedom would just be oxymoronic.

        And bear in mind he actually asked why they can't do certain things, like acting normally, so my points on why I don't think they will aren't just from no-where.

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  • Nickvey

    whatever you do dont sex abuse your daughter. a judge will just see this as preparing a child for latter abuse. so if you deny the sex the judge will still have the gay pride event in the child's life to base a decision on. I'm just trying to protect you not accuse you.

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  • reiksman

    The shame is in the culture the gay rights movement started in. It was always viewed as an activity for sexual deviance. Hell, man. It's a lifestyle where the only way to manifest itself was "sodomy." I reckon it was just "in for a penny in for a pound" at that point. These days it's just what you do. Same way that straight men have a way of dating, although that undergoes small gradual changes generationally, parents still ain't exactly pleased when they hear their child's a genetic dead end. Either way that's just a really long way of saying that's what they were always shown. There was no classy way put forward to them as a youth, only the loud garish pride folks who make the noise.

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    • I just think it's so unfair and just unnecessary, because most of my gay friends are like, regular white-collar people working 9 to 5 jobs and being perfectly decent, and obviously, normal. Some of them are pissed at this misrepresentation. I think it's just time to grow up..

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  • Murun

    I don't want to see anybody fucking or simulating fucking in the streets, whether heterosexual, homosexual or whatever!

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  • faggot

    They are depraved because we LGBT are entitled. We can pull down our pants at our events and hump. You straight people are obligated to be prudes. No sexual freedom for you. Go take care of your dogs and kids.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I could say the same thing about Mardi Gras, but I would never try to take that away from the people who enjoy it or say that I'm offended by people displaying their heterosexuality in such a vulgar manner.

    Pride isn't about the rights, it's not about the equality, it's about being bold enough to be visible and celebrating their sexuality, so it shouldn't be surprising that there is at some events adult content. Not every Pride event in every city is that bad, some of them are definitely more tame than others. But ultimately it's purpose is to allow people a rare chance to express themselves; it's still not unusual to know gay people who have had to spend half their lives or more in the closet. When people are finally able to express something they've had to keep hidden for years, it's only natural that theyre going to go all out doing it.

    If that's not something you want to be around or expose your family to that is of course your perogative. But it doesn't mean the event is wrong or needs to change either. Ultimately, it's not for you, or for anyone but the community to celebrate their diversity and the things that make them, them.

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  • NameIsTaken

    Da hell

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