Why doesn't god just destroy the devil?
God is supposed to be all-powerful, so why doesn't he just destroy the devil? Surely, he also wants to, since he's supposed to be a loving God too.
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God is supposed to be all-powerful, so why doesn't he just destroy the devil? Surely, he also wants to, since he's supposed to be a loving God too.
I suppose its because he doesn't exist If he did why would he let his own creation go to complete shit.
You might as well be asking why Santa doesn't pay his elves a better wage. It's all make believe, there is no such thing as a God or a devil!
Good question, but perhaps an even better question is why God created the Devil in the first place. I suspect if you can answer that, you'll answer your question as well.
Well you kind of are because you missed one key point that makes your question invalid to begin with.
God created the devil to rule over hell, he doesn't destroy him because he wants him there. He needs him there. God is omnipotent, and that means nothing happens that he doesn't want to happen.
You're asking religious people why god doesn't destroy the devil. There is no other point of view because there's only one god and one devil in their religion.
The objects in your question are theological, so it can't be anything but a theological question. If you change the way they are then the question also becomes invalid because they would no longer be the devil and god, they'd be something else.
So christians can't make an excuse because you haven't asked an actual question about the actual devil and god.
That's fucking stupid as HELL.
okay, I see where you're coming from, look go to the kitchen take a glass of water, drink it up cuz you thirst for attention!
The answer is simple. If you didn't have the devil, you couldn't know god.
If you get rid of bad, you get rid of good. If everything was always good it would become average and boring, therefore it would not be good, just mediocre.
This reminds me of the questions I used to ask in high school which would land me in detention (I attended a devout catholic school.)
God needs Satan. He's kept the church in business all these years!
god will be coming to end it all. we are in the end of times so it can happen anytime. read the book Revelations in the bible. it will tell you a lot about it.
just because He is waiting for him to change .. He is giving him a chance... we all the know or lets just say I believe that devil is present in almost everyone of us!! why doesn't He destroy us, why doesn't He punish us?? its just because he is giving us time, a chance ... that maybe we change , become better.. similarly its a chance for devil!! until the dooms day! :)
Since the story does exist, your lack of believe in God is irrelevant to the question.
The story I was told (a long time ago) was that Lucifer (or the devil) wasn't bad. He was a thinker, and one of God's greatest angels. Being a thinker, he started to question God's character. He essentially asked the other angels "Does God deserve to be God?". This caused a bit of a paradox for the big man upstairs.
Since God is "love" it follows: that if God killed Lucifer for simply asking questions then the other angels would only worship Him out of fear and not out of love. Thus leading many of the other angles to question God's character too.
If God and Satan are real they likely do not interfere with us much if at all. All life has free will. If there was some supernatural presence deciding for us there would be no point in existence.
Would you kill one of your children? Also, ever thought that perhaps the world needs a bit of evil?
He needs someone to do his dirty work. Who else is going to torture the rapists and child molestors.
God is a just God. The devil must exist to be subject to eternal punishment. God is a respecter of free will, therefore we must be given a choice whether or not to obey. If the evil were not there to have an alternate choice, we would be mindless robots with no choice to follow God. God wants people who choose to follow him, just like men want a wife who chooses to be with him. (except psychos who want to force themselves on a girl)
Maybe its the fact the Devil was his son and he did not want to kill his son. Jesus died but he did not die for real. His soul survived only his body was damaged.
May God save u by His powerful nd merciful Grace nd may it never b 2 late 4 u 2 repent.
Why do you ask questions like that if you are not really interested in the answer? I am not religious, but if I were I wouldn't bother posting my 'undoubtedly pathetic' reply.
Because the devil is the church's best friend. He's kept them in business all these years.
But really, what kind of redundant troll question is this? You'll get atheists, agnostics, and non-Abrahamic folks saying something similar to "I know you are but what am I?"; sane Christians and related religions chewing on their feet as they talk about free will and Jesus; and then the apeshit fundies who will tell you that God is going to send Satan to hell when he goddam well feels like it, and he'll do it to you too if you don't buy the church an international airport.
Seriously, fuck you.
I've thought about this a lot and I think if God is real and there is a Devil (The Devil being the creator of suffering) God would understand the value of suffering in our development. That suffering gives us wisdom and gives us standards to which we can base Happiness from. In Christianity, a person could see suffering as part of life's tribulation and that Heaven could only be savored when put in comparison to a life filled with suffering.
I don't think you know what happened to the devil
he's in hell
he is getting tortured you moron
"Satan is waist deep in ice, weeping tears from his six eyes, and beating his six wings as if trying to escape, although the icy wind that emanates only further ensures his imprisonment (as well as that of the others in the ring). Each face has a mouth that chews on a prominent traitor."