Why doesn't your face mask cover your nose?

It drives me crazy when I go to the grocery store, and I see people wearing face masks that cover their mouth, but not their nose. People, COVID-19 can be spread through the nose as well as the mouth. I keep wondering why people would leave their nose uncovered.

It occurred to me. There are a lot of people on this site. So surely some of the people who don't cover their nose are members of this site. So if you are one of the people who don't cover your nose with the mask, please tell me why.

Wearing a face masks helps slow the spread of the disease, so please wear one while in public, and please make sure it covers your mouth AND nose.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Mammal-lover

    Most people I work with do it cause its itchy on the nose despite the fact that majority of people are nose breathers and this virus is spread via air with makes the wearing of the mask entirely moot. Dumb people amuse me.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Cause otherwise it's really uncomfortable.

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    • clitoriajustice

      i get that; wearing a mask is uncomfortable but it prevents the spread of covid so you should wear it over your mouth and nose

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  • LloydAsher

    Cause I want to breathe easier. Covid can spread through your eyes so why isnt everyone wearing glasses or full masks.

    I dont wear masks unless I have to and its required by the store.

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    • clitoriajustice

      covid doesn't spread through the eyes. it's spread through sneezing, coughing, talking, singing etc when particles come out of your nose and/or mouth. you don't need to cover your eyes but you should cover your nose.

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      • LloydAsher

        It does spread through the eyes. Eyes are pretty open to viruses. Masks just reduce the spread not negate it. I say we should all get it, let those who cant handle it die and get on with our lives. Waiting for a vaccine for a virus is will take years.

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        • clitoriajustice

          firstly, i don't think it will take years; they're working on the vaccine already. secondly, maybe some viruses spread through the eyes but this one definitely doesn't, a quick google search will tell you that. ur right, masks don't negate the spread but they seriously reduce it. and dying from covid has nothing to do with whether you "can't handle it." anyone could die from it, and people can get it and not die. the virus won't just go away if everyone gets it and we wait for people to die because it is seasonal and would just keep spreading and coming back every year.

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