Why don't christians want to die?

I am a Christian and I am scared of dying, but I know it doesn't really make any sense.

If someone honestly believes that they are going to Heaven after they die, why wouldn't they look forward to dying?

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Comments ( 24 )
  • CreamPuffs

    Because they secretly know it's BS, that's why.

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    • nikkiclaire

      Bingo. Only crazy people believe in an afterlife. Most Christians dont believe the crap in the bible. Most dont even read it. What a stupid waste of time.

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    • Happyyoungling

      I secretly know that you secretly want to suck on my hot brown poo

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      • CreamPuffs

        In that case you know nothing but false information.

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  • QueenJuJu

    Because deep down, they know that god, heaven, and all that other bullshit isn't real. Everybody is a christian until their parents start telling them what religion their suppose to be.

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    • -light-

      And somewhere even deeper down inside you realize that it IS real.

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      • nikkiclaire

        The why are you still alive. None of that horseshit about suicide being a sin.

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      • RoseIsabella


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        • StinkyPickle

          Because the idea makes you feel good. But you still don't want to die, do you?

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  • Hitlerwasright

    Because god gave us life to live not to throw away

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  • kwikbix

    because they have a self preservation instinct that overrides ideological beliefs in 99.99% in all people.

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  • ailliams

    Honestly the Christians that are afraid of dying are kinda fake Christian's. The faith calls for us to go out and make decibels of all nations, spreading the Word as far and wide in the world as we can. We are also called to love everyone and devote our lives to doing good in the world in the Lord's name. The ultimate goal is to be reunited with God, so dying isn't something for us to be afraid of. We look forward to the day we are called into heaven, but we shouldn't die until God says it's time.

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  • pu1se

    i know catholics and Christians that are not afraid of dying however I don't believe in any of that and I'm not afraid of dying I think it depends on what you believe. Do you honestly believe that there is an afterlife or having? If not but doesn't make you any less Christian you're allowed to have your own beliefs but that may be why you're afraid of dying

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    • pu1se

      heaven* also everyone has their own fears you cant control pike phobias my friend is afraid of belly buttons and im afraid of being locked out of places

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  • EuphoniumLizz

    I'm a Christian and the thought of dying scares me. I think it could just be the fear of the unknown and being out of control really. At the same time I look forward to Heaven because I won't have asthma anymore. That being said I want to live my life first. Do something great for this world to repay the good others have done for me and have a family first. I guess I fear dying before I fulfilled my purpose but I need to remember God is in control and will take me home when it's my time.

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    • What do you mean "fear of the unknown" and "being out of control"? Are you doubting your salvation? :(

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      • EuphoniumLizz

        Not at all. I'm asthmatic and it's not controlled very well. I have had nights where I wake up and I can't breath and other times where my inhaler doesn't work. Out of control really refers to that and the unknown for me is if I am going to live while I am struggling for air. If I die I know I am going to Heaven. There is no doubt in my mind I am going. What I fear is how I am going to die I don't want to loose to my asthma because it would be a painful way to go

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        • EuphoniumLizz

          I guess I mean I don't fear the fact I will die rather I fear how I will die

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  • LionsMane

    I can't completely speak for Christians not being one myself, but much of my family is. I think most Christians know that there is good to be had and also given in this life. Even in believing in a heaven, death is still a scary concept for most regardless of how fearless some come across. Ultimately, there is such uncertainty. Believing in heaven is more about motivation to be good and right on Earth and less about running to that finish line

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  • slasher21

    Heaven and earth are different world....you dont rush yourself to go to heaven....you enjoy life then go to heaven.......remember one story in the bible... Angels envy humans for they can live on earth....so enjoy life...do good...and go to heaven....

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  • -light-

    I'm not afraid of dying. It's not worth wasting my time crying about it. We all die. Some of us chose to face it and make the best out of the life we got now. And if your smart you will too since obviously you can't have it forever. But that's why heaven is so amazing. Because it is forever. You live another life but this time it's perfect. Just imagine all the things that make you happy now, it'll be like that only better.

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    • StinkyPickle

      I hope that your hope makes you feel hopeful.

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  • SmokeEverything

    Because they don't know what to expect and so they're scared.

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  • _ItsScience

    I'm scared of dying because it's embarrassing to me. Like "wow I'm just gonna leave my body there?"
    I don't know, it's a hard reality to coupe with.
    And many Christians do look forward to dying. Like the millions of martyrs that were killed for their faith willingly held to the truth they believed.
    Paul said, "for me to live is Christ, for me to die is gain."

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