Why don't jews and christians get violent like muslims do?

So practicers of Islam want to Jihad always. What gives? Why do they always insist on violence as a means to solve issues. Sure sure Christians crusades a thousand years ago and New just want peace now. Muslims seem to be very violent in almost 2018. Peace can't happen with murder. Let's talk it out like actual smart people. Stop fighting.

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Comments ( 42 )
  • paramore93

    Um, they do ..
    You get radicals in every religion from every corner of the earth.

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    • RandomNumbers

      A radical catholic is a monk, a radical muslim is a suicide bomber

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  • NashamaTheWeird

    Christians used to be violent during the crusades and inquisition, but have mellowed out since then. Jews don't use violence because converting people is not part of the religion. In Judaism Jews are the chosen people and outside conversion is actually often discouraged.

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    • Yeah literally 1000 years ago Christians were violent.

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    • rayb12

      Christians kill more people than ever today, it is just not done as spreading Christianity.

      Conversion is a difficult process, but it is not discouraged in the eyes of the vast majority of Jews practicing. Secular forms of Judaism, far outnumber orthodox communities

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      • No, Christians do not. Americans are multi religious and multi ethnicity. They find strength though their divisersity.

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        • rayb12

          Bruv, the facts are there mate. Millions of civilian casualties resulting from a christian government. The department of defense and commander in chief/executive branch is always christian. Nearly all armies in Latin america and Europe are christian as well mate. You're not thinking.

          Just because wars are not fought over theology it doesn't mean the people dropping bombs aren't Christians. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, OK the drone program, look what happens in central america, there have been so many bloody wars. Look at Guantanamo bay, look at the war in Vietnam, in Iraq, bruv Christians have violently killed millions of people. They're nearly a third of the population mate, you're not thinking mate.

          Look at what the Dutch have done, and the French and the British. Look what they do in Indonesia and Africa. Come on

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          • None of that is based on religion though. Just because of happenstance a country has a majoraty of Christianity or any other religion, doesn't make them actively doing crazy shit because of religion. That insane murder activity is only reserved for Muslims.

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            • rayb12

              The question was never about if it is done because of their religion.

              You claimed Christians are not as violent as Muslims which is false, and when I said christians kill more people than ever today which is true you said no they don't which is false.

              Its an irrelevant road to go down, but we could have a debate about why Islamic doctrine appears to influence more killings today than the bible, but that is a different conversation.

              All things considered Christians are irrefutably responsible for far more killings of innocent people than Muslims are.

              And no you can't claim Muslims are more violent because of the reasons Muslim kill being more religious based, that is not how logic works.

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      • NashamaTheWeird

        Yes, but secular Jews also don't feel the need to convert people. It is regarded as more of a personal choice. This means that there is no incentive for either orthodox or secular Jews to attempt to threaten and intimidate others in the name of God.

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        • rayb12

          Right right. In theory, in practice there is pressure put on a potential or current non-jewish spouse to convert, though this usually does not come to violence lol

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          • NashamaTheWeird

            Yes, that is generally not too deadly of a process.😄

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    I'm sure there are some Muslims who aren't violent. The rest are using their beliefs to justify their destruction.

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  • Pink-pumpkin

    Christians, catholics and the church did this ages ago!

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  • Nickvey

    jews are violent , they crucify people in ancient times. now its much worse , jews use religion to justify killing goyim (human cattle). please do not lump christians in with jews. Christians are the New testament folk , not the old testament folk. Old testament folk are jews. i get so tired of people mistaking what a christian believes we dont agree with the old testament, neither does our God . dont you see that.

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  • RandomNumbers

    they always want jihad because the coran said so

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    • Nickvey

      i thought coran is a countertop material . do you mean Quran or Koran

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  • Blabla123

    Becouse other two religions evolved, and they were tamed...majority of christians(luckily) don't follow orders from bible...meanwhile muslims live in theocracy and think it's absolutely fine

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  • rayb12

    U moron. Nearly one in 3 people are Muslim. If they "want to jihad" always, and always insist on violence as a way to solve issues, how do other people even exist? In 2 days all non Muslims would be dead.

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    • MR.mr

      1 in 7, there approximately 1 billion Muslims

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      • rayb12

        Really?? I thought this figure was much higher

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        • MR.mr

          It's been about a year since I looked at the stats but it was aprox 2 billion Christians, about 55% protestant and 45% catholic. 900M - 1 billion muslims, and 600-650M Hindus

          I can't recall the numbers of the other religions, I think bhudists made up arround 500M

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          • rayb12

            Wow OK, looks like 2012 is still the latest data. Christians are 2.4mil. And Muslims are 1.6mil, closing in on being a quarter of the population, misremembered as 1/3. Important distinction

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            • Nickvey

              never trust a man that is bad at math the difference between a million and a billion is a thousand times.

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    • rayb12

      I'm sorry for name calling :(

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      • It's fine, I welcome a discussion, it just is Muslims are the only people that value life so littley that they suicide bomb? That is something different, right?

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        • rayb12

          I don't know, u know christian USA drops over 26,000 bomb a year and thousands of drone strikes, take much more lives than suicide vests.

          In war a soldier dies, morally it is not so different from tiger vest, this is a very old thing that people die in time of conflict.

          And when a drone cause explosion people are burned to death, ISIS is not more grotesque and inhumane than USA.

          And we are not 'killing the bad guys'. It is very rare that intended target is killed, less than 10%.

          So USA indiscriminately kill too.

          No I don't support any violence, but most Muslim people have nothing to do with this. And non Muslim people responsible for much more death so your post is not accurate with facts.

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          • Nickvey

            yes , i agree the USA is a murderous nation ran by masonic freemasons that are closer to zionist than christians. the USA has never been a christian nation , freemasons have always had all the power.

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        • rayb12

          Except for Jews part haha. I mean in the case of Palestine they are killing more than Muslims, the amount of Jews is so much fewer than Muslims it is a bit unimportant to compare, but I don't know who is more violent percentage wise. Obviously Jews less total deaths because Muslims are something like 30% global population and Jews are .2% I think

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        • RoseIsabella

          Suicide bombing is one of the most stupid things ever!

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            at least its never the same asshole

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            • RoseIsabella

              True that. They all go to Hell of course where the Devil butt rapes them forever!

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            • Nickvey

              you made me laugh.

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          • EnglishLad

            Let's not forget that every time there's a bang, the world's a bellend better off.

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            • Nickvey

              nounBRITISHvulgar slang
              the glans of the penis.
              an annoying or contemptible manon.
              "he is a total bellend and should step down as soon as possible"

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