Why don't you people go on reddit?

I used to go here but now I use Reddit to keep me entertained. Somehow, I still see some people that have been here for years that are still going strong. Why here?

Yes. I go on Reddit 25
No. I don't go on Reddit 22
What is Reddit? 13
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Comments ( 14 )
  • charli.m

    Because I don't want to?

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  • Dot123

    What's the point of keeping IIN alive?!

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  • Koda

    I've got Reddit, and I find it entertaining sometimes, but I prefer the community here. I think the usership at IIN is fairly intelligent and thoughtful. If you're only looking for a laugh, then IIN will never cut it compared to reddit content-wise.

    Perhaps you hadn't noticed, but some people post on IIN seriously. Maybe you've never checked out the categories that the trolls usually ignore. Some people want genuine advice, believe it or not, and even more surprisingly, sometimes even receive it.

    I only come on here in spurts, usually when I have a good idea for a topic. The thing I don't enjoy about Reddit is that I find that because the userbase is so enormous, it's hard to make connections with anyone, and it's even harder to get noticed, especially for beginner redditors, and that can be off-putting. It's easier to make a splash on a smaller site with a solid member community like IIN.

    That's just my opinion, though... I know some people who swear by Reddit for almost all of their internet-related needs.

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  • disthing

    IIN is entertaining because it's some middle-of-nowhere backwater of the internet, populated by an odd sprinkling of people who form a loose community. And of course it has a single, straightforward theme: normality.

    Reddit, on the other hand, is massive and doesn't really have a community atmosphere. It's full of a million and one subreddits, and everything feels very loosely connected. Never found it that appealing :)

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  • wistfulmaiden

    "Reddit" sounds like a porno site for bunnies ...

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  • RoyRogers

    Going to ignore since you used the phrase "You people"

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  • Pika-girl

    I've gone there, but... Never joined it.

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  • anti-hero

    Never tried it.

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  • SerialSinner

    They say it's the gate of the internet, that was a lie.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Because I'm stuck in my ways and find following social media trends to be hella tiring. I've got my Facebook and I'm good. If I give my friends any more ways to bug me, my phone will die from the sheer number of notifications that I would be receiving on a daily basis.

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  • Shrunk

    I just joined reddit the other day for one of the board about a show I like. other than that, i don't really get the point of posting on there, unless you're popular, and I have no idea how to get popular. I like a few of the other boards on there, but I don't really understand it except that they have cute/funny pictures, so i just lurk.

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  • Dulse.

    I've tried it a few times but never really got far with it. The layout confuses me a little. I prefer imageboards.

    Why do I come here? I think the community here is generally wise but doesn't take themselves too seriously.

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  • sillygirl77

    I dunno only a limited amount of websites I go to. I'm pretty new here as a normal... maybe ill check out reddit if I have time

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  • DumBeIIe

    Although the unofficial kinda "cousin" site to Reddit [IIN] -- Reddit is overrated. This one, under and definitely more interesting, in it's simplicity.

    However, my best friend is constantly showing me top stories: "Nail growth after quitting smoking"... "Awesome life hacks! PUT DA PB AS A MOATE, 'ROUN DA JELLY"... (really?) and that is just the pictures. Once I realized Crysades/Hot car death dad were members... Faaark-dat for killing time taking monster dumps! This site is much more helpful.

    *Stories are lame; mostly sad over-the-hill people, whom regret all of their life decisions.
    *The comments consist of a group of staff/writers, and the average reddit-er cannot compare. So it's pointless. Not funny 'nuff.
    *YouTube is trolled even harder, by lame try-hards.. Le-gettit spermy.

    It's dumb. Not cool enough for Dum.

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