Why has my cat stopped eating and is wasting away in front of my eyes?
For the last two months, my cat has been losing weight rapidly and refusing to eat. He is 15 years old and has always been a fat cat (18-22 pounds) until just recently; he is down now to 12 pounds. I took him to the vet, who did blood work and found his heart, kidneys, and blood glucose to be O.K.; some work was done on his teeth (scaling) and a broken fang was repaired. I was given a two-week supply of antibiotics, which I gave the cat as instructed. He continued (and continues) to refuse to eat and lose weight. He's getting weaker and weaker (stumbling a bit sometimes when he jumps down from a couch or chair) and spends much time asleep; but he doesn't seem to be suffering, he purrs constantly, LOVES getting attention and being petted, and is still keeping his fur clean.
Any ideas what's wrong??? The blood work came out fine after all. I don't want to end up having him put down over a (maybe) easily fixed problem! Thanks for ANY answers...