Why has the media, politicians, corporations, etc suddenly changed?

They're pro LGBT, pro BLM, pro radical islam, pro choice,pro open borders, anti white, anti second amendment, anti christian & anti america/patriot. Have you been paying attention?

For profit & power. 14
Part of the globalist agenda 6
To destroy american values/ constitution 6
I don't know but something might be going on. 5
I don't know. I don't care. 5
Other. Specify in comments. 6
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Comments ( 74 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Idk but it happened after 2012. It was a sudden change for sure. If you went back in time less than 10 years ago and told people this was gonna be the new narrative they probably wouldnt believe you. Back then 99% of people would tell you that we have an issue on our southern border. Obama ran both terms on talking about fixing and deporting illegal immigrant situation. It seemed like one day I woke up and everyone was like "no its racist we have to let them all in". This is a new agenda for sure and people just go along with it because they choose teams. Ever notice a liberal agrees with all liberal policies and vice versa? If ylu agree with everything of your political party you arent thinking for yourself.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    It's to sell. Being PC is simply profitable in today's degenerate society, and that phenomenon has grown alot over the past 10 years.

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  • Clunk42

    We live in a fallen world. Almost all that is good is corrupted with time. There is no hope for the secular politician; they will forever be corrupt, and any attempt to remove the evil will be met with more evil.

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  • CountessDouche

    They're pandering to their consumer base. You have the choice not to buy or watch. Stop whining.

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    • Clunk42

      Stating the truth is not whining. The truth cares not about emotion.

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      • BatterMilk

        It depends on what you so call this "truth".

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    • RoseIsabella

      I choose not to watch them.

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      • CountessDouche

        Choose with your dollarydoos

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    • I dont know if that's entirely true. They're for sure listening to the loudest lot on social media but I wouldnt say they're the largest base, just the loudest.

      That said, if these corporations are getting their info from twitter but twitter axes the side more likely to be against this loud minority then what exactly happens then? I suppose your point on voting with your wallet would be the only saving grace and these places realize why they'd los money. Who knows.

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      • CountessDouche

        Idk man, marketing is a trillion dollar industry. The notion of companies that invest the type of time and money it takes to hire experts, conduct focus groups, research popular opinion and curate their message accordingly making an oopsie and repeatedly focusing their narrative on something that happened to be trending on karen's twitter is naive at best. Advertising that damages their bottom line gets pulled FAST.

        None of these businesses give a single iota of a fuck about any of the social issues they pretend to care about. They just don't. They care about their bottom line, and that's it. End of story. The appearance of being a socially conscious business sells. It does. Otherwise it would not be a pervasive advertising method.

        I personally find this type of advertising fucking offensive, for different reasons than you do probably...but go look up your bank account balance. That number is the number of votes you get against it.

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        • Meh, I don't know. I can 100% believe the ones at the top don't give a damn about the social issues they claim to be fighting for but the cogs in the machine do, I'd say. Like, take that whole "Anti-white" training thing Coke done recently. I still believe a lot of places consider Twitter to be the best representation of the general public and use that as a guideline on what is "popular".

          I'd say it sells because there are more newbies willing to back companies that virtue signal than there are pre-existing consumers that will pull their support for that same virtue signal even if they disagree with it. Vote with your wallet has always been the best route for sure.

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          • CountessDouche

            It only sells because it gives people an ethical out.

            Say you want to buy some soap that comes in a single use plastic container, get's tested on baby bunnies, and is filled with plastic microbeads and chemicals that wreak havoc on the environment when it goes down the drain. Seems like a questionable choice morally...

            But say the same company pumps millions into adverts selling a celebration of natural beauty and the fact that real women have curves...such feminists. Then they say they're gonna donate part of their profits to sea turtle conservation.

            Now they've created a false narrative for any consumer that doesn't research the product. They've tricked people into thinking they're doing something GOOD and REWARDING and ETHICAL by choosing this specific brand of soap. (And btw Unilever did all of this)

            So people who buy it get the extra satisfaction of being able to pat themselves on the back for doing something good for the world whilst they consume. That's the ultimate lie that they're shilling. Convincing people that, not only should they purchase this product, but they get to feel good about themselves when they do.

            It's so downright dirty, these businesses pretending to give a shit.

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            • xeus

              Great answer!

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            • Fuckin' preach!

              On another note, do you think this feeds into unhealthy cultural changes? For example the "Real women have curves" thing to hide the baby bunny testers, do you think these companies using these scape-goat subjects actually promotes unhealthy body standards in women? Or with the Anti-White training Coke thing they feed a fiery divide?

              Basically, do you think these scape-goats themselves can feed into separate issues that are cultural but just as important as the baby bunny testing?

              Soz if this is a bit jumbled. Work has fucked my brain today. Haha.

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  • pasta_father

    Snowflakes r runnin shit right now, but the storm is coming

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    • coolposter

      i want to eat your poop daddy. please give me your beautiful shit nuggets. i want to fuck you so bad

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  • darefu

    Propaganda by the media, they have consolidated so much and only a select few really control what you see and hear through the media. They pick a side of an issue and everything will be tilted to support their view point.

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  • charli.m

    Murica is so weird. Please come join us in the first world some day. You'll like it. Promise.

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    • CountessDouche

      I'm in! I'll meet you at bunnings.

      Although I do judge the people who get no onions.


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      • charli.m

        ...can I have like...just a lil bit of onion? Or is that blasphemy?

        Confession: I have never had a Bunnings or Democracy sausage.

        Aaaaand now I fuckin want a sausage sanga. Grrr.

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        • CountessDouche

          As long as you have ONE bit of onion. No onion people are serial killers and child molesters. (Joking aside, Brett and I do judge the "no onions" even though allergies are real).

          They're just the wollies/coles beef 'snags' on shit white bread. Not your mums sausage roll in a roll hahahaha.

          Bitch, I've wanted a sausage sanga for 1.5 years :(

          Also, stop clipping your toenails. It's not necessary.

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          • charli.m

            Hahaha yep. I tend to put mine on a roll...or at least grain or whole meal...

            I also use better sauce. None of that Masterfoods type shite.

            Hygiene isn't necessary. It's not in the bible.

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            • Clunk42

              Hygiene is in the Bible, as there are many parts of the Old Testament about keeping oneself clean. Paul also mentions hygiene in Romans 12:1:

              "I beseech you therefore, Brethren, by the mercie of God, that you exhibit your bodies a liuing Hoſt, holy, pleaſing God, your reaſonable ſeruice,"

              The issue with what you claim is that trimming one's toenails is not a matter of hygiene; rather, it is one of personal taste, just like keeping one's hair short or long.

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            • CountessDouche

              Look at you, fancy pants.

              We do it the white trash way. I give brett shit about it whenever he starts talking about American food.

              He (NOT BRETT) keeps talking about his long...long toenails. Idk how this happened...

              Double dialog

              Bunnings sausages (oh I'm hungry)
              Toenails (i'll never ever eat ever again)
              Bunnings sausages (well...maybe just this once)
              Toenails (NO! NO FOOD EVER. I'm kate moss-ing this shit from here on out)

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  • olderdude-xx

    The younger generation are their current and future clients. They cannot afford to offend them.

    There are plenty of examples of companies that have been ignored by the younger generations and their loss of market share. At the same time there are plenty of new companies that have grown fast by only catering to the younger generation.

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  • coolposter

    definitely all a conspiracy and not you being on a sinking ship nobody wants part of anymore

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    You have a distorted sense of reality. First of all, there are many choices to choose from which to make up your own mind. From FOX to Free Speech TV. Secondly, you can read anything into a newscast if your perception is biased.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Because you touch yourself at night.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      no somebody else touches me at night

      i touch myself durin the day

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      • Tommythecaty


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  • Sanara

    Because the overall worldview changes over time. People have complained about the problems of the past and want change. And nowadays people get voted over so the currently popular world views will be more in use

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  • sillygirl77

    Other - $$$$

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