Why i hate religion (christianity)

Before I get stared let's get this out of the way first:

I am NOT an atheist!

I'd like to think of myself as a free thinking spiritualist. Second, this has been done before so I'm getting to keep it short and sweet (like me baby). And if you're a Christian who doesn't fall into this overly religous category, then congratulations. Go get yourself a fuckin' cookie from the kitchen.

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Comments ( 25 )
  • mysistersshadow

    So... why do you hate Christianity?

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I don't hate Christianity, I hate the mentality that many Christians have. Christ was a charitable man who had literally no problem with anyone willing to sit by his side and I feel like that is a caveat that many Christians fail to remember. This is years of bible study talking, so pardon my theological stance, but the element of Christ in Christianity appears to be lost on many Christians.

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    • LadyboysShouldSuckMyDick

      Precisely my point indeed. And I don't "hate" it (Christianity) per say, I just hate some of the ignorant and unintelligible people that follow it.

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  • bucketfullofbuttholes

    What's the question?

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  • Kilgore.Trout

    You didn't explain why you hate it...

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  • Royalburden

    Well this is a pointless post, isn't it.

    Why do you hate Religion(christianity)?
    Because it's "overly religious"?? Is that what you're trying to get at?
    Nah I think you hate it cause you're a rebelious teen who wants attention and to feel like your opinions actually matter. You don't like how your mummy and daddy gave you all these rules about what you ought to wear when you go to church and how you ought to pray more often and be a good christian just like they raised you. You chose to switch to Freethinking"Spiritualist" which is the most ambiguous bullshit I've ever heard. My guess is you never actually bothered to look up what any of those words actually meant.

    Listen, I'm all for leaving religion on a rebelious rampage as an open minded blundering youth but at least bother to learn about what it is your leaving and what it is you're turning to instead. Why REALLY do you dislike Christianity?

    (opinions ahead, skip if you like)
    I dislike it because of all the outrageous scandals its officials keep screwing up on. Who wants to back an organization like that? No tithe from me, I'm not funding kiddy diddlers. I also dislike the idea that you're broken, evil and corrupt from the start. Everything that comes naturally is wrong. I dislike the idea that a mysterious overlord controls your fate and works "In mysterious SEEMINGLY immoral ways but don't worry about that it all works out". When I look at the world outside of a God it still holds the same amount of beauty. Kindness is still possible, empathy still makes sense and I find that I don't need to rely on that myth. My hope comes from the people around me, the friends I make, the effect I have on those people and my goals for the future. How can I better myself? What makes me happy, betters the world, and puts a smile on other people's faces? These are the questions that shape my life not "what would Jesus do". How do I do the least amount of harm while reaching the maximum amount of enjoyment in life? The only good thing Christianity has going that keeps its husk in place is the family-type set up within congregations. That's it. People want to see other people in their community and have an excuse to get together. Other than that it's rotting to dust because it's unnecessary. As for charities, I prefer to give without God as a tag on item. Secular charities for me and despite what christians like to say there are plenty of them out there. We could always use more but there are plenty.

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  • LadyboysShouldSuckMyDick

    For those of you complaining in regard to me not "explaining why I don't like it", I'm under the impression that if you give it a second read, you'll find the rant is intact.

    Or don't give it a second read. I couldn't give two shits one way or the other; three if I had a spare.

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  • Ellenna

    You didn't ever get stared (sic) as far as I can see: pointless post with no question

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    • Paigiepoo

      thank you for some elevation

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  • LizaKravets

    I think,you are so rude about my religion.I live in Russia and I know what more people don`t like christianity,but it offends my dignity...

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    • Royalburden

      I'm sorry that other people's opinions offend you, mate.

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  • PhillipLoco

    The Root of All Evil? - "The Virus of Faith"

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  • CosieJosieBosie

    Guys. I just. I was skimming through the comments, just to see what was here, and. Um. No.

    1) Molding itself to keep with the modern day? Maybe politics has wormed its way into Catholic Christianity, but as a conservative Reformed Christian, I can safely say that not every Christian condones homosexualism. (Also, we don't hate the gays themselves, just the fact that they are gay. Think cancer. People don't hate cancer patients for having cancer, they hate the cancer itself.)

    2) There was this whole "New Covenant." For people who weren't stuck with K-thru-8 Bible classes, a covenant was a promise/deal. "You do blahblah for me and I'll protect you from Someone McRandompants." The old covenant was the whole 'no nonkosher foods' thing in addition to more, but as this is a comment, I won't go into more detail. It's in the book of Exodus, I believe. That covenant was broken when the people of Israel didn't 'blahblah,' or in this case, follow God's laws. God kept on bringing them back to him, though, and that's where Jesus came in.

    His was the New Covenant. The details of how he came to be are a bit vague, in my opinion. (Check Luke 1:35, it doesn't actually say anything about sexual interaction, it just says 'The Holy Spirit will come upon [Mary]' and 'the power of the Highest will overshadow [her].' And in various passages, the phrasing for someone feeling the Spirit is 'having it come upon them.') I'll grant you that. But if the Bible is right, (and it hasn't ever been decidedly disproved to this day), then Jesus fulfilled every last prophecy about the Savior. I can't quite recall the numbers, and if I search for them, I'll lose this whole thing, but there were easily hundreds, probably thousands of prophecies about the coming Messiah.

    Including that whole "Son of God and Son of Man" thing.

    Imagine one of those high-tech, far-future, sci-fi stories, where an unborn child is injected with something that bonds completely with their bodily structure, making them different, and yet still the same. The child is still a product of human (or whatever species the story is about) DNA. After the injection, though, they're also a result of whatever was put into their system. That's a lot like Jesus' beginnings, I think. He was born to a human mother, but He also had that divine essence unique to God. That didn't make Him any less human, it just gave Him the Godlike characteristics of His Father.

    Oh, and for the people who'll say something like "but he waz sappost 2 B born 2 a virgin," Mary didn't have sex to conceive him. At least not in the normal, human sense. Yes, God sent his Spirit to conceive the Baby. Yes, in all recorded history that isn't a religious text, two humans, male and female, have to 'get wild' to have a baby. But this is God we're talking about. Couldn't He have just as easily waited until Mary was asleep and sent a perfect sperm cell into her womb, no 'getting wild' needed?

    If I got the details wrong, whoops. I'm not in training to become a pastor. But they're as correct as I can make them without extensive research into what the original Hebrew and Greek read. Have a good day/night/morning/evening/whatever time it is when you read this.

    (holy cow how did i pull all this off the top of my head, i'm making a whole essay out of this later!)

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    • Royalburden

      Yo I noticed you totes missed my comment. I was hoping someone clever like you would notice it :(

      Tell me does what I said makes sense? All that. All that new covenant stuff really doesn't matter if you just use your empathy, really.
      Just be decent and you don't need all that. So much mental gymnastics going on. xD
      Like, for serious. I talk to my sister and my family and the moment I bring up the golden rule they're like

      "Ohp! the bible did that. God did that"

      And I still sit here like. "Ok? Did he realize that literally that's all I need? I don't need his nonsense about gays and Mary, and Jesus, and moses, and so on? Like....seriously day to day. DO you need all that?"

      If that was it, I would believe you know. I'd be a christian. If God was like. -plops down commandment- Be good to others. That's it. Be good Golden rule. End quote. No Leave the talking snake alone that's not relevant.

      But no. It's this endless maze of New covenant, old covenant, Mathew, mark, Luke, no sex, no pork, all the pork, christmas, remember the cross, pray, etc. And every time something good pops up 15 bad quotes pop up to negate it and make me want to bury the book in a sewer.

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  • Tealights

    Ignorant extremists in any religion will always be annoying.

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  • Judah

    The hell with Christianity it's false and not of God

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Christianity Molds itself to go with the times.

    Example Society hates gays Christianity Hates gays

    Society Loves gays Christianity Loves gays.

    Did you know that in the past things like wine pork and interest were forbidden in Christianity.

    its funny how these things work.

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  • boombambop

    cool story bro; 9/11 writing; 5 dentists would bang; gr8 m8 r8 8/8

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  • Paigiepoo

    Jesus was a Jewish man... His dad" God" had non consensual sex with a woman. God is Jewish ....he invented the dna strand.... Verdict sais..... God is not your father!

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    • Canon12

      Very bizarre observation!

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    • LadyboysShouldSuckMyDick

      Okay then. Lol.

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    • Judah

      Jesus was a Jew not JewISH. Being Jewish isn't even in the Bible. These white people claimin to be to Jews are not the real Jews but Rev 2:9

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      • Paigiepoo

        thank you for the clarification, point taken. words matter , my bad

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        • Judah

          No problem, also God didn't have sex with Mary. That's just one of the ridiculous lies of Christianity and the Catholic Church. Christ came out the seed line of David. Matthew 1:1 proves this. Matthew 1:2-6 show his complete genealogy. The truth is what really matters at the end of the day.

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  • Paigiepoo

    overly focust on other people, get right with yourself and you'll be fine

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