Why is 30 considered old for sports?

They act like a 30 year old is shocking like "and he's 30! So he's up there and still able to run fast" like wtf ๐Ÿ˜’

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Comments ( 9 )
  • darefu

    Because by 29 most people have figured out a way to screw up their body and its chemistry.

    This includes but not limited to, sex, drugs, alcohol, fast food, tv, video games, or they have just found the couch.

    I was doing fine until about age 35, then 1 injury made me sit out for about a year and never fully recovered back to my normal physical self. Mostly lacked the desire and motivation but also the discipline it takes to get back on the horse. Next thing I knew I was 45 and out of shape and overweight.

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    • Holzman_67

      Aw thatโ€™s a sad story, I hope you can turn it around

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      • darefu

        Thanks, I'm in better shape now than I was a few years ago. Injury still has it's limitations but I'm semi happy where I am. Like to lose and shape up the mid section more, it's a work in progress. If I keep working I'll look great in my casket. Lol

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  • LloydAsher

    Same reason why its considered to be old when you join the military.

    You are not in the prime anymore, cant shrug off of injuries as quickly.

    If you are above the age of 23 in the military you get slapped with being old in bootcamp.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    tell it to tom brady

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    A lot of people seem to think 30 is that number where your life is over. They think a person is too old for several things once they hit that age. Hell, I've known people who thought 25 is when a persons life is over. It makes no sense. XD

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  • profanity

    30 is too old. After 20 your life is officially over.

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    • Really?

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      • profanity


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