Why is being sex repulsed seen as a bad thing?

Why is not finding sex appealing seen as an issue by society? So what if somebody isn't interested in sex? So what if somebody finds it boring? So what if it disgusts somebody? I find it stupid that people make it seem like there is something wrong with somebody who does not like sex. If somebody is uninterested in sex, who cares?

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Comments ( 61 )
  • bbrown95

    Welcome to the club! I've learned to just quit caring what others think. There will always be people who don't understand and find it weird, but the way I see it, it doesn't hurt anyone to not find interest in sex and to therefore not partake in it, so why does it matter?

    What truly matters at the end of the day is that you're comfortable with who you are, and your choices. There will always be people who disapprove of you or think you are weird no matter what you're like or what you do. It's best you live your own life true to yourself, and do what's best for you.

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    • đź‘Ť

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      • RoyyRogers

        Everyone's a bunch of horny bitches is why.

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        • Clearly.

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  • KholatKhult

    Don’t worry, I’m bangin enough for all of ya’s

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    • đź‘Ť

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  • Goomats

    I think it's one of the cruel glitches in human nature. It's fine if some people don't want sex. It's not fine if most people don't want to have sex, but somehow it kicks in the bullying instinct in rude, unthinking people. If you think about it there are many other attributes in people that are fine on the individual level, but not fine if the majority of people ae that way, and these traits also provoke rude, unthinking bullies.

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    • Good point.

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  • LloydAsher

    Because you need sex to procreate and procreation is literally the thing that keeps a society alive.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      We don't need all the morons in society to procreate.

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      • LloydAsher

        Oh so you are in favor of eugenics then?

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        • Millie_the_evil_saint

          I am in favor of leaving asexuals the fuck alone. They don't wanna fuck? Awesome! We don't need them and their dumb offspring that will never be born.

          Nice try twisting my words into something ugly, but eugenics is obviously not what I was talking about. Unless you are a moron too, and your pea-brain made you misread everything I wrote.

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          • LloydAsher

            I'm not twisting words. Asexuals can do whatever they want. Your above comment though discourages reproduction to those you see as being morons.

            Eugenics at its basic level is preventing people with unsavory traits from procreating. The nazis just took it to an extreme level of exicuting people they thought were inferior. In the early 20th century eugenics was a relatively popular concept in the western world. Even now it's still a punishment to castrate sex offenders.

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            • Millie_the_evil_saint

              I'm not preventing him from fucking reproducing. He is preventing himself. That's why he's the moron. I say let the moron do whatever he likes. I don't need no asexual in my dating pool, no thank you.

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            • Millie_the_evil_saint

              You claimed that asshat asexual over here needs to procreate to keep society going. I say you're wrong. We don't need Mister Priest over here. His sperm is not needed for society's survival. We can do just as fine without sperm from a cowardly fuck that calls women whores for daring to challenge them on an online forum.

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            • This bitch is a narcissistic whore and a waste of your time. Don't pay attention to this retarded hoe.

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        • BleedingPain

          I prefer the term natural selection

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          • LloydAsher

            I agree. You are not guaranteed to get laid.

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    • Still doesn't prove how being sex repulsed is a bad thing. Oh, and it's bad because it goes against what YOU want? Fantastic. And it doesn't really matter, because majority of people are getting fucked in the ass anyways. Not a good reason.

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    • bigbudchonger

      You're 100% right. I don't get how this isn't patently ovbious to everyone.

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    • 12345678912

      Yeah , thats why people have sex. The percentage of westerners having sex to procreate is at the lowest in 5 decades with the number of people having sex in 2019 pre covid was the lowest in 30 years in the US......

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  • Tommythecaty

    Because it’s a big part of nature, and hating nature is unnatural.

    I view that as being a bit developmentally stunted.


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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      The fact that you called OP developmentally stunted makes it clear you don't have a working mind so perhaps it's you who is developmentally stunted.

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      • Tommythecaty

        It certainly falls under it.

        It being correct correlates pretty well with a working mind. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t change these facts. Rude or bluntly put perhaps, but it is what it is. I don’t dislike the individual for it.

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      • LloydAsher

        Agreed but no one here is developmentally stunted. Its rude.

        It's just kinda obvious why asexuals are "disliked" it's not that they are actually disliked but rather it's another other that's expected to be accepted as normal. No it's not normal to reject sex completely especially since sex is the only way to continue your family line/the community.

        Obviously any sexual liking that would make procreative sex impossible is seen as a net negative for the greater procreating society.

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    • No, not really.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Yes, really.

        It’s quite a simple observation to make. But I can simplify the accuracy aspect further for you....

        Without sex you wouldn’t even exist, so being repulsed by it makes you somewhat intellectually stunted. And just because you don’t like being called that doesn’t make it untrue. It actually serves to further the point, but that’s for another discussion.

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        • No, it's not that I don't like what you just called me. I don't really care lol. I wasn't even responding to that. And because I exist from sex doesn't mean I need to like it. Being disgusted by sex is not unnatural just because I exist from it. But okayđź‘Ť

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  • Tinybird

    same. And I hate those s-called "asexuals" who go round saying that asexuals can still have sex and enjoy it and they can still have crushes. NO THEY CAN'T! THAT'S NOT FUCKING ASEXUAL! ASEXUAL PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE CRUSHES AND HAVE NO INTEREST IN SEX

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    • allialli

      asexuals don’t feel sexual attraction, aromantic people don’t feel romantic attraction. asexual people can still look for a relationship without it being sexual.

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      • Tinybird

        no because romantic attraction is the same thing as asexual attraction. Even if you feel the kind of crush that you felt when you were a kid - you're not asexual.

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        • allialli

          no lmao it takes one google search to know you’re wrong. search “whats the difference between asexual and aromantic“

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          • Tinybird

            well actually google doesn't know shit. My sister typed in what fish has the biggest eyes and it came up with squid which is a crustaceon. You're believing everything you see on the internet. Bottom line is, if you want to have sex with someone, or kiss someone, then you're not actually asexual. A non-romantic "relationship" is called a friendship. Google could say that unicorns are real and you'd probably believe it.

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            • allialli

              bro i’m literally going based off the actual definition of asexuality. “The quality or characteristic of having no sexual feelings or desires.” it says nothing about romantic attraction. you clearly haven’t done any research and are just going based off of what you think asexuality should be. (you’re not the ceo of asexuality and don’t get to change the definition just cause you wanna gatekeep a sexuality)

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    • I've actually read online some asexuals do still have sex.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    You know I think you asexuals just love the attention. Literally nobody cares, no one is forcing you to have sex, no one is talking to you specifically (about sex). Yet you come on here with your idiotic first world problems and practically beg for the attention. You bring up your sexuality when I didn't even ask. I did not ask you out, I did not say I find you sexually attractive. I did not even flirt with you. Yet you feel the need to shove your asexuality down my throat and then complain and bitch and moan about how "people won't leave me alone about my asexuality".


    You were alone. I wasn't even talking to you. Nobody was. This whole time. It's like that meme.

    Literally Nobody:
    Asexual on the internet: waaah waahhhh i dont wanna have sex!! QQ

    OK? Who cares? Who gives a shit?

    You wanted me to "convince you not to be asexual" and to pine after you and lust after you? Well joke's on you. I don't care. Go be a virgin for the rest of your life. I'm unbothered.

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    • Humorous.

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      • Millie_the_evil_saint

        You are welcome.

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        • Yeah, thanks.

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    • allialli

      you remind me of myself when i was nine

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      • đź‘Ť

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Because people love judging others and want everyone to be exactly like them. I'm not asexual or repulsed by sex but I don't care if someone is, that's a personal thing and it doesn't mean anything and for those commenting procreation, we actually don't need so many people to procreate lol in fact we're running out of space on this planet enough as it is.

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    • Your response along with bbrown's are the best i've read. Thank youđź‘Ť

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I certainly dont care. Ive actually never spoken to someone thats had an issue with asexuality/asexual individuals. Perhaps ill try a social experiment and come out to people as asexual to see their response. Im sorry youve had poor responses (i assime due to your post)

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    • I haven't really had poor responses besides people claiming that it will "change". But I know there are a lot of people that bash other people that are uninterested in sexual activity.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    I don't care. Go be a monk or a priest. Perfect job for you.

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    • Somenormie

      I imagine it be the perfect job for them.

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      • Nah. I'm not really all into religion.

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  • Yeah, I know. Society is just going to have to get over it.

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    • LloydAsher

      Probably not because asexuals are abnormal thus wont continue (procreate) to the next generation. While those who do have children will continue to be the majority. Asexuals only replenish their numbers through the random mutation that causes asexuality same for homosexuality. Thus will always be the minority compared to the procreative heterosexual majority.

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