Why is covid19 lockdown not being enforced again?
The curve was flattening throughout May, the numbers of new cases and deaths from COVID19 was lowering. Why? Because from April onwards, most of America strictly enforced lockdown. Restaurants and public activities were closed. Many buildings including doctors offices and hospitals were taking temperatures at doors and not letting anyone in with a fever. Then around the end of May/ early June, lockdown was lifted. Restaurants and other places reopened, hospitals stopped checking temperatures at the doors, and more people just seemed to stop caring about being careful, they won't wear masks, and they're doing things like going down to the lake in droves to party!
And now in the past months, numbers of new cases and getting very sick from the virus has skyrocketed! They've been increasing faster than ever lately! Am I the only one who can see how this is all because of ending lockdowns and so many people just abondoning being careful? What are all these people doing this thinking? Why are lockdowns and temperature checkings not returning? Why are so many people not seeing the more than obvious connection between ending the carefulness and dramatic increased COVID19 cases, and just not trying to be careful again!? Am I one of the only ones with any sense?