Why is covid19 lockdown not being enforced again?

The curve was flattening throughout May, the numbers of new cases and deaths from COVID19 was lowering. Why? Because from April onwards, most of America strictly enforced lockdown. Restaurants and public activities were closed. Many buildings including doctors offices and hospitals were taking temperatures at doors and not letting anyone in with a fever. Then around the end of May/ early June, lockdown was lifted. Restaurants and other places reopened, hospitals stopped checking temperatures at the doors, and more people just seemed to stop caring about being careful, they won't wear masks, and they're doing things like going down to the lake in droves to party!

And now in the past months, numbers of new cases and getting very sick from the virus has skyrocketed! They've been increasing faster than ever lately! Am I the only one who can see how this is all because of ending lockdowns and so many people just abondoning being careful? What are all these people doing this thinking? Why are lockdowns and temperature checkings not returning? Why are so many people not seeing the more than obvious connection between ending the carefulness and dramatic increased COVID19 cases, and just not trying to be careful again!? Am I one of the only ones with any sense?

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Comments ( 20 )
  • Yeah, trying to get common sense into some people is a hopeless task.

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  • darefu

    Why does it take someone to force precautions. I agree in most part with Lloyd and Mammal. If you're under 40 do as you wish but if you are going to be around those over 40 then try thinking of them and take some precautions. Masks are for the other person's protection not yours. If you're over 40 vote with your feet don't go to crowded places if the restaurant is not SD don't go. Also don't whine if you don't take precautions and you get sick or someone close to you dies. It's not the government job to baby sit and take care of your butt. They should educate and make people aware, they've done that. Now wear a condom or make him put one on or pay the consequences. Let's not kill the country to save the 2%.

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    • I must say that you all do have a point about lockdowns' affect on the economy. Yes, we don't want that. I've just been thinking that this illness will do more harm to people than the economy status as a result of lockdown. I've seen too many stories of people on ventilators and really suffering from this illness, and the deaths in the US are well into the 6 figure range now. I was just thinking that the economy wouldn't harm people as much as all that, but you're right, maybe it would.

      Just to let you know, I've taken all the precautions myself, I don't go anywhere without my mask on, and I always stay as far away from other people as possible, I've been protecting myself as much as humanly possible. My point was about how many other people seem to not be, and continuing to see such dramatically rising numbers of people affected by COVID19. But I do say, I see your points also

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      • darefu

        We see the covid numbers because that what they want us to see. Nobody is tracking or at least showing the number of people who have committed suicide or other crimes ie child/spouse abuse, rioting, even murder because of loss of job or just frustration. If the economy collapsed there would be a lot more of that.. but I understand your feelings if we would all voluntarily take some precautions the numbers would probably go down.

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        • Yeah, except some people just refuse to take precautions. Well, all we can do is take careful measures ourselves, if some people won't, then I guess there's nothing we can do since some people just can't be reasoned with. I realize that now, we can only do our own parts. And it is true, we cannot let our economy go under. You are right about more deaths in other ways as result of a failing economy would be no happy substitute for the COVID19 deaths.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Quarantine only works when people believe in it and can afford it and only delays the inevitable. Discorving illness is always a guessing game especially one like this. Rendering it relatively moot due to essential workers.

    Not to mention there's no point in quaritine if our economy crashes wich turns 5$ into 1$ or even worse. If that happens we are all fucked.

    Not to mention it has like a 98% survival rate and to most is nothing worse than a common cold. Im not ruining my life for 2% of the population thats already on deaths door anyways.

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    • You do have a point about the economy. Yes, we don't want a failing economy, that would do horrible damage. I just didn't think that lockdowns would damage us as much, after seeing the damage this illness is doing to such a vast amount of the population.

      I've just seen so many stories now of people on ventilators and really suffering from this illness, and not all of them have been elderly. Several celebrities in their 50s have died from COVID19. I read a story of a family of 4 in my local paper, not far from me, where the parents were both in their early 40s and both almost died, the husband was on a ventilator for 2 weeks, struggled to breathe, and suffering horrific delerium. He said afterwards how going through that was a worse nightmare than when he had full blown pneumonia about 10 years earlier, and he was a firefighter and probably not in the worst shape.

      I have health problems myself and a weakened immune system (the latter is something I think anyway since I've battled high blood pressure and I get winded walking up only 2 flights of stairs), so I'd probably get hit hard with COVID19 if I caught it, and I'm 45.

      So these have basically been my reasons for my worries about getting the disease, and why I've had my reactions about seeing people not being careful. However, I really do see your concerns about the economy. I've been thinking that it wouldn't be hit as badly as it may actually be hit, and I can only correct myself now on having thought that. I agree with you on the economy concerns now.

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  • litelander8

    Hasn’t it already been proven that the numbers have been falsified? Y’all can hide in your houses. I wanna get back to life.

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    • Correction

      Yep, Trump has openly admitted that the numbers are being suppressed and called for them to be artificially lowered even more. When that didn’t work, he took over the release of all information so he could have complete control of the numbers.

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      • litelander8

        Lol. Sorry. But that dude is not that smart.

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  • SmokeEverything

    Stuff opened back up in NY and there arent a lot of cases here. its been weeks.

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  • Lockdowns are just delaying the inevitable, the virus will spread regardless of lockdown. Unless a vaccine is made coronavirus is guaranteed to sweep through the globe, until we develop herd immunity. Finally a dead economy will kill far more people than covid ever will.

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    • I do see the concerns about the economy, actually. I've just been thinking that this disease would end up causing just as much suffering. So many people are getting pretty deathly ill, are on ventilators, and dying from it. And I'm also someone who may get hit with it hard since I'm not that young or in the best health.

      But I don't want our economy to fall out either. I didn't think that lockdowns would hurt it as much as you're all saying it might. But I'll admit now, you guys could be right. I've just thought that this disease could also end up doing unthinkable damage if people weren't careful. I just hope we get an affective vaccine. There would definitely be no more need for lockdowns once we get that. But I do see the economy concerns even we continued lockdowns for now.

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      • Correction

        Unfortunately, the vaccine likely isn’t going solve everything. All the idiots refusing to wear masks are almost certainly going to be stupid enough to refuse the vaccine.

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        • All those idiots out there refusing to wear masks and social distance have made this whole epidemic worse than it would've been otherwise. And you're right, many of them likely would refuse the vaccine. Yes, the vaccines aren't going to solve the outbreak. They'll help it, but not solve it. There's no magic that will make it all vanish

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  • LloydAsher

    Because it would cripple the economy. You cant shutter the economy for anything. It was bad enough when we shutdown for 2 months causing undue economic problems. If you shut it down again you risk killing off thousands of jobs and businesses to save maybe a couple thousand elderly which is not worth it.

    Yes your life has a value which immediately decreases as soon as you retire. I'm not hating on the old, just how life and plagues work. I dont want hundreds of thousands of people suffering because a few thousand want to get through this just to die of natural causes in the next 10-20 years.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Because according to the CDC the death rate for ppl who get it is only 0.2% and tthats not considering how many ppl have had it and didnt get tested. You dont lock down an economy over that type of death rate.

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  • raisinbran

    Unfortunately it is when you live with a bunch of morons.

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  • GaelicPotato

    Money, friend. Money matters more than the survival of the human race.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Because covid has a 0.2% mortality rate for healthy people and it is impractical to shit down the whole economy just to protect the old and infirm. People can not lose their jobs/livelihoods just over that tiny risk.

    Government stimulus checks just mean the taxpayer will face even more government theft in the months and years to come. And keeping schools/colleges closed will negatively impact the future career options of students.

    Governments have to make the decision to put what’s best for the majority (reopening) over what’s best for the minority of vulnerable people who are already dying anyway.

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