Why is hairy styles popular

He looks an ugly fucking faggot and acts like he is the one who invented men breaking gender norms. Like did you ever see david bowie, just to mention ONE who did it before you?! dense fucker.
Hes not even gay he just baits to get those ugly pickme braindead little half humans to obsess over him which means he will earn more cashmoney. Trust. If he was really a gay man he wouldve sucked a hundred dicks on camera because hes a ugly frog-faced attention seeker who couldnt even pick out a nice womens dress to bait in if his life depended on it. Fucking fashion blind monkey.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's best not to waste time fuming over a guy you'll never encounter.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Boybands are trash and gay. David Bowie is a musical genius tho.

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  • Goomats

    Harry Styles is famous because he is handsome and make okay music. He does that half-ass cross dressing business to get attention and differentiate himself from all the handsome okay singers. Besides, he gives off such strong hetero fuck-boy energy that he still doesn't come off feminine in his appearance.

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  • Tinybird

    LOLL did he molest you or something lol

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    If I had a Hairy Styles I'd shave it or keep it trimmed.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I’m no Harry Styles fan, the only compliment I can give to his bland musical offerings is that they are instantly forgettable and don’t fester in my brain. However I’m not sure if a real person can be accused of queer baiting when he could just be questioning his sexuality or in the closet.

    Attitudes to LGBT people have improved in recent decades but he would still have to deal with homophobia ranging from online slurs to potential violence if he were to come out. The stress of that could well cancel out the euphoria of sucking “a hundred dicks on camera”.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    He was a member of One Direction; a band that was marketed HEAVILY to the girls of my generation. The individuals weren't as popular as Justin Bieber in his prime but were still incredibly big.

    One Direction itself has an interesting origin as the group was originally comprised of a hodgepodge of solo musicians. They were competing on the television show The X Factor and Simon Cowell decided he would prefer them packaged together as a boy band.

    On as to why Harry Styles is specifically the most popular; the guy is easily the most genuinely charismatic of the original band. He's not the most attractive but that's not what matters in the music business.

    What matters is marketing. And Simon Cowell marketed the shit out of One Direction.

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