Why is he so so nice
is Is it weird my driving instructor I known for 5 hrs Yrs, that I used to have a small thing with buys me so much stuff?
I didn't hang with him for aages as He lied on some things. Skip ahead, My sister had to use him for driving lessons nd all.. He gave her free lessons, Gave me free lessons, $20crdt for my phone x3 lots, $50gas, $100 for license. I will pay back the latter. Offers to get me ice cream and drinks for work. Once he brought them to us, Offers so much. I'm 25f, hes 38...I told him domt want a relationship! He still acts mind and texts daily and would text all day if I replied but i get busy with work and he still texts.
He offers to buy me panadol or tabs for my stomach when it's bad, says he cares and I am important to him.
Ahh...idk what to think..