Why is it that whenever i'm lustful and staring, they know?

Why can't I be a pervert damn it, why does the world grind to a halt for one sick puppy? Is my lustful gaze that strong? I know I shouldn't step in my fellows toes, but why do women get seduced so much by this feeling?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Grunewald

    Firstly because they see your intent. The eyes are the window to the soul. If we couldn't read people's eyes a large amount of communication just wouldn't happen. Including smouldering looks and sexy moments in the bedroom. Secondly, because those sexy moments belong in the bedroom and not in public. Thirdly, because sex is a personal thing and it's right to be selective about who we have sex with.

    All of these factors mean that if you look at a random stranger in public with sexual intent (not just interest), it's not just one sick puppy - it's you AND an unwilling participant, in a completely inappropriate place.

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  • 555

    As someone who's been leered at, I sincerely wish you die a painful death :)

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  • RoseIsabella

    Keep your eyes to yourself!

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