Why is my mother giving my sister some of the house sale?

Is it bad i wished I had a different mother sometimes like my mother never encouraged me to follow my dreams this life and her lack of self worth and anxiety affected my sister and I growing up. Sometimes I even feel hate fir my mom and anger. I have soem resentment towards her ever since my sister became a hypocrite and looked for a guy just to fit into hetronormative society. My mother is even going to give my sister money from.th house salle when my sister already gets money from the other fake famiky she lives with !! Shes very materialistic, for example she spent $60 on Lulu Flask and says everybody at work knows its hers(pr9b likes the idea people think shes rich or something).. She even goes to places like $300 concert, travels within the country staying over ina motel or whatever, does lots activities eg restaurant meals, gatherings! Surely she wouldn't be able to afford this on minimal wage at a pet shop ?? no its not bad at all Aye Oh all of ur feelings r completely justified but if im being honest I told my mom to not give any to my younger sister as she gets shit from other fake family and my mother said no she doesn't, she pays he way ! What bull shit !!!! She will be getting shit from them what exactly do want advice with? how to feel towards your mother? Why does my mother want to give my sister money? She gets everything already from other fake family !!!?? 😠

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Comments ( 3 )
  • kelili

    You're jealous of your sister because she is doing whatever she wants.
    You should try to focus on other things. She's enjoying her life and you are not enjoying yours as you're too focused on her.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Are you getting a cut of the house money too? Did you save money? If yes and it's a decent amount, then I think the solution here would be for you to look up places with a cheap cost of living and move far away from both of them. Get away from the things that make you jealous and bitter and focus on yourself. Those two probably aren't going to have your back in the long run. The only person that will is you. Make the changes now while you still can.

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  • harkosv

    From what it sounds like your sister is gay and chose to be with a man in order to please your mother and/or the culture of where you live. Is that right? And if so, do you think that plays a role in your mother being overly generous toward your sister and not generous enough towards you?

    I don't think it's normal to favor one child over another that dramatically, and it definitely doesn't seem right. If there's any solace to find in the scenario, it's that this life of luxury your sister is currently living most likely has a time limit and she'll soon wake up in reality. As wealthy as people are, if they don't practice restraint and good responsible spending habits, they almost always end up worse off than they were before

    If your sister is mooching off your mother and her fake family like that, then when the money runs out she'll be left with no money and no marketable skills for entering the workplace

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