Why is ok for girls to hit men, but it’s wrong for guys to hit girls?

I’ve always wondered that?? Like how come when a woman strikes or hits a man, nobody really cares or says much about it? But then when a man hits or strikes a woman, people lose their minds and go crazy about it? I think it should go both ways, like if a woman hits a man or a man hits a woman—Both of them are wrong for what they did?? That’s just my opinion about it.

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Comments ( 33 )
  • my_life_my_way

    Men are physically bigger/stronger and their punches cause more damage. Same reason it’s worse to hit a child than an adult

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    • I've never liked that argument. Being weaker doesn't equate to not being able to cause pain or damage, men are generally weaker and stronger than one another but we understand that being weaker doesn't give you the right to hurt a man that happens to be stronger.

      The child comparison is one I also hate because the reason why we don't hit children when they hit us isn't for a lack of strength but is for a lack of capacity to fully understand the gravity of the social situation and introductions of violence, and in some cases it is actually normal for a parent to smack their child if they misbehave (butt smack) which means that we actually hold CHILDREN to a higher standard of capacity than we do women when it comes to violence.

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      • my_life_my_way

        There’s a massive difference between spanking a child and punching your wife in the face, it’s also unlikely that you will ever be in a position where you need to physically discipline an adult woman or teach her a lesson.

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        • pastafather

          Speak for yourself. I have to discipline my wife all the time. I swear she ain't learned nothin' since we got together when she was 12. Still acts exactly the same. Normally a slap will do but the other day she just WOULD NOT stop bitchin' about how I don't need to give pastachild chewing tobacco so I hit her with a flying knee and drop kicked her. Nipped that shit in the budd.

          And btw it's fine to hit kids too

          I have a rule of thumb. If you can stand in the way of my fist you can get hit by it

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          • LloydAsher

            My rule is

            Open hand = punishment

            Closed hand or fist = abuse

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            • pastafather

              A good trick also is to punch them thru a phonebook so people dont see the bruises and start 2 ask annoying questions. I think its ok 2 defend urself from women who try to tell u what 2 do

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        • Both our positions can be true. Yes, there is a difference but that doesn't negate my position that children are expected to have a higher capacity of understanding than women when it comes to violence. For example, if a parent slaps a child that hits them then people will call it a parenting method, if a man slaps a woman that just punched him in the face then he would be considered a criminal.

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          • pastafather

            I dont even know bout that. These days snowflake culture acts like its a overreaction 2 face strike a kid back just cuz ur older and bigger even if they hit 1st. Maybe like its worse than strikin ur woman even, which if you do they will say is worse bc u have a right to discipline ur kids but not ur woman. U cant win.

            I'm raisin my boy same way I was raised. I love my boy but I don't care who it is. If u step to me like ur lookin for trouble I'm gonna solid more rock ur shit, little kid or not. Thats tough love

            Im glad wherever u live ppl are at least more reasonble bout kids then women, but here it feels like I have to hide 2 hide it regardless of who I hit even though its always justified

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      • RoyyRogers

        You act like a grown adult hitting a child isn't physically harmful. When in most cases it is if the child isn't one of those kids who grow very fast. Since they are like a third your size. Secondly girls in general do tend to be smaller on average. Though I think both are within their right to punch or fight if being assaulted without reason. Like if a woman is attacking you for no reason at all just fight back. If a man if hitting you for no reason just fight back

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        • LloydAsher

          And let's not forget that humans are pretty fragile generally speaking. The difference is very noticeable between the sexes due to bone density. Then again guys do put themselves into more dangerous situations then females so... idk

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          • RoyyRogers

            But I also think it has to do with context as well. If a guy starts randomly beating his wife its a bit uncalled for. If a guy punches a random dude on street hes clearly is gonna be the bad guy. I also seen situations where females have attacked men and you just think "Wow she a crazy chick wtf". I never witnessed a woman and be considered okay. I mean you can say freinds shoving or pushing each other but thats like freinds interactions. I also seen males slap or playfully punch each other in freinds context and it no biggy so.

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  • Somenormie

    The both aren't ok.

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    • RoseIsabella


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  • SwickDinging

    These kinds of debates are so stupid. No grown adult should be going around punching anyone. Violence is not ok. Nobody intelligent thinks it's ok for adults of either sex to hit someone.

    Btw, your OP refers to "girls" and "men". That tells me everything I need to know about you.

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  • nonpareil

    It’s common knowledge that even the weakest of men have physiological advantages over women. Secondly who the hell said it’s ok? You mean fictional tv shows, ads, scripted tiktoks or whatever you MRA / pickme retards usually cry about? In that case it’s because those are written, produced, and consumed largely by MEN, who think the idea of women hitting them is hilarious - again, probably has something to do with them knowing that women are weaker. You’ll be happy to know that in real life women get beaten by men far more often than the other way around.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's not okay for anyone to hit anyone else.

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  • ellnell

    Neither is okay. It's just been looked past because generally women are far weaker and smaller than a man and couldn't hurt a man with a slap even nearly as much as a man can hurt a woman with one. Of course men can still get abused but it's not nearly as common and to the degree that women get abused by their partners but it happens and a major reason it goes unnoticed is because the man in question feels embarrassed due to how men are supposed to be strong and "can't" get abused by a woman. Another problem caused by macho-culture. It's just the same among women though, if a woman abuses another woman often it gets looked past because "a woman can't make as much damage as a man" and often women do prefer to use emotional abuse, backstabbing a friend they're mad at instead of communicating their issue with them or giving a partner they're mad at the silent treatment or guilt tripping whereas men tend to get physical, normally.

    One thing that fascinates me about mens reaction to feminism is that their first response is always "so we can hit women then?" like that's their first response, not even "how can that benefit us also?". Says quite a lot.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    It come the era of chivalry where the man was supposed to hold the door open for women,supposed to provide for them, protect them etc, be a leader, not curse infront of them. Those days are gone though. My mother always taught me to never hit a girl under ANY circumstances and I never have but looking back theres a few situations I wish I had. The reason is because some women took that technicality too far and tried to abuse a guy by slapping, spitting, and poking at him with "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO HIT A GIRL!?"

    One time my friends girlfriend slapped me in the face because I told her he wasnt with me (he told me to say it) and when she slapped me I said "DONT YOU EVER FUC..." BOOM slapped me again. Looking back I should have slapped the soul out of that girl and if a girl ever does that to me again I will defend myself.

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    • JellyBeanBandit

      Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. That must've been hard. Good on you though for realising the absurdity of not defending youself just because your attacker has a vagina.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        LOL YESSSS

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  • Let me put it this way. It is still considered a norm for a child to get their butt smacked for misbehaving for violence. This literally means we expect children to have a higher capacity of understanding of consequences than fully grown women when it comes to violence.

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    • Ooft. Check those downvotes. Hoes mad.

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    • Tommythecaty


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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Well it may seem like the reason it's unacceptable for a man to hit a woman is because women are generally weaker than men, but that's not the real reason at all, that's just the excuse. The real reason is because society is sexist. If it were for the reason that women are generally weaker than men, then people would react exactly the same if a man hit a smaller weaker man (of about the same strength as an average woman), but they don't. If a man hit a woman, they'd react with horror, disgust and anger. They'd think he's absolute pathetic scum for doing such a thing. Where as if a man hit a smaller weaker man, they'd just think that it was out of line or thuggish. They wouldn't react with the same shock or horror, for the sole reason that it was a man rather than a woman. So sexism is the only possible reason.

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    • They want the benefit of a society that lets them away with abuse while pretending that same society is set against them.

      It's the biggest bitch-made/princess mentality imaginable and it seems plenty women here think they can just abuse people solely on the fact that those someones won't hit back, meaning they're "big, bad", cowards.

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        Well there are certainly women who are like that, particularly among so-called 'feminists', but it's important not to categorise all women as being like that. There certainly is a lot of sexism towards men in society though that a lot of feminists either deny, ignore or downplay.

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  • jodi1955

    There is a double standard! It's wrong either way, yet if there is a call about domestic violence the cop always arrest the man even when they both are in the wrong. Or if even the woman beat him and he did not hit back! So wrong!,,

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  • ToxicCrayons

    Neither is ever okay, it's just that male-on-female violence is much more likely to end in murder. People who think "equal rights to violence" is a valid argument as to how women are supposedly more privileged are extremely dangerous. They are the same people who, when the Me Too movement was very popular, were most worried about false accusations, rather than the sheer amount of women who were coming forward with accounts of severe mistreatment by men. It's incredibly disgusting and disheartening that people can be so blind.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    I think it should be okay for anyone to hit anyone.

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  • Aria_zo

    I genuinely don't know where you got the idea people think it is "okay". I think the word you might want to use is "underdiscussed". Male abuse has been much more common in history and at some point normalized and legal, with time that has lead to some people to not believe that women can even abuse men (those people are idiots). In general there's not enough talk about abused men and thar can be harmful for the victims as they are more likely to be ashamed. I personally don't remember the exact number so i won't make one up but the statistics of abuse are pretty similar for both men and women. Abuse in homosexual and transgender couples is also massively underdiscussed.

    Another thing is that some men don't do playful fighting with their female partners, i don't know if there's any study about that but most men probably think they'll be mistaken with actual abusers or that they genuinely can't control their strength and could hurt them. Needless to say that is not abuse if your partner is okay.

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  • User1010

    It's not " ok " but it's just the way society is, it's sexism but nobody will admit to it , nobody see's it as acceptable to hit a woman because they see her as a vulnerable, defenseless person, but that's not 'exactly' true, women can use weapons the same as men,knives,kitchen utensils, frying pans, boiling water,they can go to the gym & pump up, gain muscle, but still, some women also think it's their right to be able to hit a man about to keep him in line... fucked up I know, but true.

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  • bigbudchonga

    If she slaps you then you should be able to slap her back, but don't. Realistically, if she's vindictive, then you're probably looking at a charge even if she hit you first.

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