Why is retard a bad thing to call someone?

So, I've been told we're not supposed to use the word "retard." I don't know why, because it's a perfect description for many people and everyone knows exactly what it means. And it doesn't denigrate mentally challenged people because we don't call them retards, anyway. That word is reserved for someone like your buddy who does something stupid, or someone on this site that's acting like a... like a..... a retard!!

It's bad to say retard and offends retards like me 3
It's just a word, go for it 7
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Comments ( 8 )
  • LornaMae

    It's okay, when used humorously.

    Otherwise, it's just retarded.

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  • CozmoWank

    I don't know why it's considered offensive. It does describe some people. Hold back, Delayed in progress. So yes, some people are retarded.

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    • charli.m


      It's considered offensive because it is considered a degrading word that used to be used to describe people with cognitive disabilities. Use it in that context, of course it's offensive.

      But it also can be used in other contexts. This is one of them.

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  • SmokeEverything

    Words like Moron, Imbecile, and Idiot used to be actual classifications of mental illness. A moron is an adult with an IQ from 51-70, an Imbecile is somebody with a mental age that doesn't go past six, and an Idiot is a completely non functional person who can't even learn to talk. Retard was a new blanket term that came up in the 70s I believe. So it is actually a legitimate term, but political correctness has to always come up with nicer words for things.

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  • TerriAngel

    Christopher Titus and
    Carlos Mencia.
    Both give perfect descriptions of why you are correct.
    They say it better then I can.
    It's like calling a black guy, black.
    I have no issue with anyone born with an actual issue.
    But, if you're born normal.
    Raised, educated, graduated, then do something like smoke crack.
    You're a retard.
    Be offended all you like.
    De De De motherfucker.
    You're to stupid to deserve ANYONE'S
    I spot you're lame ass several blocks away.
    Grown man/woman
    Riding a bmx bike..
    Scraggly facial hair,
    Skinny in an unatural way,
    Sloppy posture,
    Hair messed up,
    Messed up teeth,
    Distant gaze,
    You're a retard.

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  • IrishPotato

    What are you, retarded?

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm not offended.

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  • raisinbran

    You'd have to be a retard to use that word in the first place. I've never had a use for it in a civilized conversation.

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