Why is road rage a very serious problem today?

Well with much more idiots on the road that should Not be driving in the first place which does make it a very serious problem. And the Worst ones of all are the speeders and tailgaters which there is No need at all to drive like a Maniac. Many Women are the Worst ones of them all since many of them do tailgate the most since they have very serious problems to begin with, and they should have their License taken away from them forever. I am very surprised that this law is never enforced like it should be since so many people are losing their life over this, and something should be done about it before it gets much Worse. They really need much more police on the road to look out for these Losers. I had a woman tailgate me in a SUV last year which i waved her by to pass me, and the Moron stopped short in front of me which i had to serve over to the shoulder lane very fast or i would've definitely hit her which i can see that she did this on purpose. I was going to report her but she took off right away.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Because too many people are growing up, but not maturing.

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  • gloryholeflasher

    It has been my observation that most tailgating is caused by having somebody in front of you who is going slower than you want to go. On a simple two lane road the driver of the lead vehicle has to decide upon a legal, safe, and prudent speed, and everybody else has to patiently follow along till it's safe to pass.

    On devided highways common courtesy and in many cases state and federal laws dictate that slower traffic keeps to the right so the faster traffic can sail on by in the fast lane.

    Some people mistakenly believe that as long as they are doing the speed limit they can block traffic in the left lane with impunity. This pisses a lot of drivers off and I believe it creates more danger than the people who are driving a bit too fast.

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    • Yes.

      The people in the left lane going slow and not passing drives me insane. I live in a tourist town and deal with it all year. It is such an aggravation. I don't tailgate but I do find myself flipping the bird or cussing like they can hear me.

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      • dirtybirdy

        The bird likes it when you flip it..

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        • :) It's always done with you in mind.

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  • cocknballs

    Your capitalization of random words gives me read rage.

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    • Doktor_Hildred_Von_Steinmann

      I concur.

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  • TheDentist

    Because people get angry when they don't go to the dentist.

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  • FJK_frm_AK25

    There's nothing that pisses me off more then a shitty driver.if I can drive blacked out on xanax safely I'm sure a dead sober grandma can manage without scaring n pissing other drivers off.

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  • ReallyTrue55

    With so many very severe mentally disturbed drivers on the road today which that very well explains it. I would take away their License if it were up to me, since many of them are really such Losers to begin with and their life is so very much boring since they like causing trouble to begin with which they need to get a Life.

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  • jethro

    Well, as silly as it may sound, it is safer if everyone goes 80, when the speed limit is 65, than for one person going 65 and everyone else, going 80, swerving to avoid the slower vehicle. That is why a lot of this is allowed to go on. Another reason is that there are only so many cops to go around. They can't be everywhere at once and stop all of the violators.

    One way to stop it would be to put a device on everyone's vehicle that would automatically issue a citation if your vehicle exceeds the speed limit for, say, longer than 30 seconds (to allow for a passing situation). However, this form of personal intrusion would never be sanctioned. So you just have to take your chances and hope that the person tailgating you doesn't have a weapon with them.

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  • INeverLie

    And there is No reason to ride someone's bumper which this is a very good reason why we have so many accidents today because of this. Tailgating is the main cause of these accidents as well as speeding. In my area which the speed limit is only 50, many other drivers are going 80 which doesn't make any sense at all, and they just happen to get away with it which they just don't get stopped at all since there are really not that many police to stop them to begin with. Then we have the drivers that just don't know how to use their signals when making a turn, and their very stupid as well.

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