Why is the justice system so unpredictable?

Just read about a man who was sentenced for 36 years for threatening a woman with a shotgun (Joe Watts). That’s absurd. Some time ago, I read about some woman who was sentenced to life for stealing and killing a horse (to rid of evidence). That’s absurd.

And then there are other cases where people get a slap on the wrist for pretty horrendous crimes.

Why is the judicial system so unfair and difficult to predict? Do judges not have to look at precedent cases, or have some sort of formula to follow or do they just hand down a sentence based on their emotions?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Different judges, prosecutors, jurors, different jurisdictions as well, also different lawyers.

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  • Anonnet


    There's a reason why having a "good" lawyer makes any difference at all.

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  • ospry

    The "justice" system is fucked. Sentences that don't ruin your life in court are reserved exclusively for the rich, famous, and/or prominently left-wing

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  • RoseIsabella

    I honestly don't care what happens to criminals, especially violent criminals. Anyone who thinks hiding evidence is a valid excuse for killing an animal, or person is a moron! I couldn't care less if thieves just started dropping dead, because they're the dregs of humanity.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Poor horse.

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    • Gambler

      Who cares. Poor cows and pigs.

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      • RoseIsabella

        What about the chickens?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, I care more about this horse that was murdered than the human bitch who did it! People like her are just weak, hairless chimps. I hope she gets cancer in her lady parts, and no treatment in the penitentiary. She's a piece of garbage! If her stupid ass had not stolen the horse in the first place she wouldn't have any problems.

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  • sweetone89

    Probably because in the USA, there are 50 different states plus a federal government each with its own laws and procedures and minimum sentences that judges have to abide by.

    50 states, 50 sets of laws, 50 sets of sentencing guidelines, you get the picture. Also, juries can sway either way (guilty vs not guilty and can be wrong on all levels). Then the emotion part plays into it...i.e. the more heinous the crime, the deeper punishment. Then, if it is an election year, criminals will get the book thrown at them...not one prosecuter, judge, etc. wants to be seen as easy on crime.

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    • PurpleHoneycomb

      In addition to this, let's not forget that lawyers also influence cases. Different lawyers will have contrasted skill levels and time allocation available. A public defender will have a very different outcome to 10+ private attorneys.

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