Why is the lgbt community still the minority when i see it everywhere ?

I keep hearing they are the minority, yet 50 years ago it was never this prevalent. I see gay men coming out all the time, it's always in ya face on social media. I would think its beginning to become part of the majority? Bi sexuality is so much more vast. Women all she time turn to other females. Where are these stats coming from ?
Isn't it way more than 7%?
More like at least 30%?
It's so common and you see it all the time on tv.
Yet, when I go to public places, I see more hetro than lez or gay
Why is this when its incredibly increased?

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36% Normal
Based on 11 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • ijustwannaknowifimodd

    Maybe it just looks like it's everywhere? A lot of companies especially just want to show how inclusive and special they are so it's advertised a lot as well. It's just online though, most people are just straight.

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    • I disagree

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      • ijustwannaknowifimodd

        Can you explain your reasoning as to why you disagree?

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        • It's more than just advertising, I have read, seen and heard a lot of stories where women actually turn lesbian or either fall in with with a best friend, or a female. I see gay guys everywhere. It's actually what I see not just hear being broadcasted

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          • ijustwannaknowifimodd

            I don't know then lol

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  • Nikclaire

    Only about 10% of the lgbt community is vocal and they are obnoxiously vocal. They should all fuck off. I hate it.

    Also, when was the last time you saw a straight person go on a march or even announce they were straight. They just don't do it.

    Vocal does not mean prevelant. It just means there is a group of loud wankers out there who like to shout about who they have sex with.

    Normal people, gay or straight keep it to themselves.

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    • PaulThePolarBear

      I agree. Your sexuality doesn't matter to me. I'm not trying to fuck any of you disgraceful humans. So stop assuming every one wants to have sex with you all the time... gay or straight, you still suck, fucking thots.

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    • I hink it's great, why so homophobic? You have issues

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      • Nikclaire

        I do have issues, many of them. Being homophobic isn't one of my issues. Disliking larrikins is a good thing.

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        • Larakins, what's that?

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          • Nikclaire

            Sorry sp check got me. Larrikin.

            Someone who is loud and obnoxious.

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  • Look I do not care whom another person fucks. but glb people always want a fight or want a drama. Thing is no one cares any more. You do YOu.

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    • Half the time they aren’t even gay, they’re just saying they are.

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      • Exactly wanting approval

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  • countingsleep

    imo all statistics on the lgbt population are totally unreliable. tons of people won't admit to being non-straight, so whatever data this 7% is based on is bullshit. but gays are still a minority because it wouldn't make sense biologically for there to be a large number of homosexuals. also sexuality is fluid and women tend to be less homophobic than men and willing to give into their homosexual feelings, if they have any (it's also been documented that a large amount of women get off to lesbian porn regardless of how they identify). so I would say it's plausible that bisexuals are not a minority, but homosexuals are.

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    • Ah that's exactly what I thought in regards to the first part with the fact people wont adnit it hence the stats being so dam low!! Yes I also knew majority women get off to lez porn hence, bi sexuality being very common among women

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  • Idkimonlygonnausethisonetime

    The internet

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  • LloydAsher

    Because at best the homosexuality percentile is around 7% that is by definition a minority. Nature intended for straight people, but nothing wrong with it socially.

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    • 7%? Surely it's at least 40%, seems to be everywhere

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      • IrishPotato

        Because the rest of the people are living their lives without pestering literally everyone at any time at any opportunity they get with their sexuality and 2000 genders they identify with.

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      • LloydAsher

        Just because you see them “everywhere” doesn’t mean that it is. 7% is rounding up. Now you just don’t seem to see the normal people walking around you, you focus on the precived gay people whom might not even be gay.

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        • I think they either have not surveyed enough people or majority lied and said they are straight, as to not wanting to be outed or men who actually are bi sexual but say they are straight cause they think fucking a guy or sucking him off doesnt mean hes bi lmao

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          • Also, on another note, sexuality is very fluid, so just because someone at a time surveys and says they are straight, doesnt mean later on she wont fall in love with a woman. It has happened and happens. I too if I were to take that poll would probably say I'm ace, yet I like women hence I am homoromantic. The senses isnt inclusive of every specific sexuality. It's too black and white

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