Why is the painting "mona lisa" so praised?

People in my country put the "mona lisa" in a museum and value it for millions of dollars. Why are people so fascinated with a picture of a frumpy, plain lady? What makes this painting worth all the hype it's gotten over the years?

It sends the message of "Don't worry be happy 5
It is more complex than it looks. 21
It is skillfully made. 15
It made women feel more beautiful. 2
I'm not sure. 28
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Cloud9

    Isn't it actually a painting of a gay, feminine-looking, young lad?

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    • lordofopinions

      It's theorized to be a femine self portrait of da Vinci.

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  • Batman555

    the answer is: they aren't. it's just a reminder that people don't really think about things or question what they're told to me.

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    • _Mehhhh_

      I agree

      Art is a subjective medium, but you can get these successful art pieces that are considered "amazing art" just because some pretentious art critic says they are. Then sheople fall in line and blart "ooh, yaaaaasss!" just to be in the loop.

      Not to say that The Mona Lisa isn't potentially worthy of praise. Some people will see it as enigmatic and beautiful while others just see a "frumpy, plain lady", and both interpretations are equally valid.

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  • spunkluvr

    If you want to understand how special it is, just try duplicating it.

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  • Smith_Xeno


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  • 4eversleepy

    mona lisa is ugly

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  • Mystery.

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  • wigz

    I thought it was because it got stolen at some point.

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  • Shackleford96

    "The subject's expression, which is frequently described as enigmatic,[3] the monumentality of the composition, the subtle modeling of forms, and the atmospheric illusionism were novel qualities that have contributed to the continuing fascination and study of the work.[4]"

    ^direct from wikipedia

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  • mysistersshadow

    Its a mystery.

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