Why is the rising sea level such a huge problem?
I mean, couldn't we just take some excess water from the ocean and use it for some nice fake lakes or blow it into space or something?
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I mean, couldn't we just take some excess water from the ocean and use it for some nice fake lakes or blow it into space or something?
Tweet your ideas @realDonaldTrump. I bet he'll think they're brilliant.
Just because it's a Trump view doesn't mean it's automatically bad. You lefties have such a black and white view of reality. Look at the evidence and forget about Trump for a second. Why have none of the predictions for global warming come true? Why has the opposite happened for every prediction? The earth has cooled, polar bear numbers increased, ice caps grown. Trump didn't make those things happen.
Predictions about global warming HAVE come true: average temperatures have risen steadily over the last couple of decades. You have to be joking about the ice caps and the polar bears or alternatively, unbelievably and wilfully ignorant.
Heres some of al gores predictions from the movie "An Inconvenient truth".
(Flordia underwater by 2012, glaciers being melted by 2020, more hurricanes, and less snow)
Check out what nasa says about the ice caps
Higher sea level = less land.
However, I wouldn't worry about it since by time any climate changes affects our environment enough to threaten our livelihood, most of us freaking out now will be dead or too old to really care. Let the scientists worry about it, or learn more about it and get a degree to help change the possible outcome.
We could nuke the oceans. The steam would float off into space giving us more land to build on.
Because if the sea level rises enough the dolphins will take over. Then we're all fucked.
i live in the netherlands and if the sea rises to high i will get a major flood and well die or something so dont justify the water getting higher lol
No it's the vaccinated planters which are the real problem, especially the 6,000 year old planters.
WTF are you on about?
I live 3000 feet up a mountain so raise the ocean all you want. It will just wash out debris at the bottom of the mountain.
No we can't do that. There are too many reasons to list. I suggest you do some research or watch a documentary, or twelve.
Just the earth doing what it has always done since the beginning.
Even if the continents sink enough to kill a bunch of people, it will be long after we are gone.
I dont worry about that stuff much anymore. I was big into "global warming" back in the day. This was before they changed it to "climate change" due to the earth not really warming but now cooling. If you read some of the predictions from the early 2000s by Al Gore and his crony scientists we shouldn't even be here right now. Every prediction he came out with the opposite happened. Scientists said by 2012 Florida would be under water, polar bears extinct, mainland America would be a complete dessert, ice caps melted, and all kinds of other serious things. None of this came true however.
I dont even listen to them anymore. They're full of shit. Look at the counter arguments to global warming (I mean climate change). Polar bear numbers have sky rocketed, ice caps have grown, temperatures have lowered. It's all a bunch of bullshit.
I strongly implore you to re-investigate climate science, as anthropogenic climate change is considered to be a very serious current event. (over 95% of the world's leading climatologists are in agreement that climate change is real and detrimental to humans, wildlife, and the human economy.)
You say you don't worry about it anymore, but have you looked into it lately?
Because I'm not sure who told you the earth was cooling, but the reason global warming is now addressed as climate change is because the title is more precise. (global warming refers to the rising global temperature patterns that have been noted since the early 20th century, while climate change refers to rising temperature + the predicted environmental effects of rising temperature such as sea level rise, ice melting, extreme weather phenomena, and changes in plant/animal biodiversity and ranges.)
I'm not trying to sound aggressive or anything, it just breaks my heart when people reject science as a whole because of science in the past.
If you're interested in the economic side of this mess, I'd recommend looking into the ExxonMobil climate study controversy which dates back to the 1980's!
Even climate change scientists admit the earth has not been warming recently. (Of course they put their spin on it to explain it)
Volcanoes pollute more than man
This source addresses general temperature patterns since 1880. There's some neat graphs here,and it's actually from the same source you cited.
Just curious also, did you happen to read the article you cited? If you were to skim down a few paragraphs even, you'd see that this source doesn't back up your claim.
"Basically, the new analysis confirms what climate scientists have said all along: natural variability (such as the patterns described in this article) may cause the rate of warming to change from one decade to the next, but global warming is still underway."
"Starting in the mid-1970s, global temperatures rose 0.5 °C over a period of 25 years. Since the turn of the century, however, the change in Earth’s global mean surface temperature has been close to zero. Yet despite the halt in acceleration, each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850."
(Now I'm not trying to judge you for not going through your sources with a fine-tooth comb, because I do it too lol, but I was barely halfway down before I found these.)
Your second source about volcanoes also disproves your claim in the first paragraphs.
"This argument that human-caused carbon emissions are merely a drop in the bucket compared to greenhouse gases generated by volcanoes has been making its way around the rumor mill for years. And while it may sound plausible, the science just doesn’t back it up.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the world’s volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, while our automotive and industrial activities cause some 24 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year worldwide. Despite the arguments to the contrary, the facts speak for themselves: Greenhouse gas emissions from volcanoes comprise less than one percent of those generated by today’s human endeavors."
ExxonMobil climate study in the 80s? In the 80s they warned us of global cooling. That was before global warming and finally theyy changed it to climate change.
First of all NO ONE denies climate change in general. The earth is always changing. But MANY people question whether man is responsible. Did you know that nature itself is responsible for the vast majority of pollution every year? Volcanoes alone cause 5 times more pollution per year than man does.
Btw look at the predictions they've given us. The opposite came true for every prediction! Even scientists that believe in man made climate change will tell you that polar bear numbers have increased, ice caps are growing, sea levels have declined! Since 2010 the earth has cooled! Thats why thety changed it to climate change! Because global warming has been debunked!
This is the investigation into ExxonMobil.
This article summarizes the investigation, which details how ExxonMobil purposefully lied to the public about climate change and spread misinformation, all while conducting their own studies.
" [ExxonMobil's] senior scientist James Black delivered a sobering message on the topic. “ 'In the first place, there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels,' " Black told Exxon’s management committee. A year later he warned Exxon that doubling CO2 gases in the atmosphere would increase average global temperatures by two or three degrees—a number that is consistent with the scientific consensus today. "
This was back in the 1970's.
According to the source you cited to me -- scientificamerican -- volcanoes produce around 200 million tons of CO2 per year, compared to human-made 24 billion tons per year.
Sadly, polar bear numbers are actually decreasing according to polarbearsinternational.org,
"One of the most frequent myths we hear about polar bears is that their numbers are increasing and have, in fact, more than doubled over the past thirty years. Tales about how many polar bears there used to be (with claims as low as 5,000 in the 1960s) are undocumented, but cited over and over again. Yet no one I know can come up with a legitimate source for these numbers."
Sea levels are rising at a rate of approximately 3.3 mm/yr according to NASA satellite and ground data.
Arctic ice trends have been going negative for years. (This is only winter data, too.)
" 'While this [year] is not a record low year for the Arctic sea ice maximum extent, the last four years have been the lowest in our record, reflecting a downward trend in winter sea ice extent,' ” said NSIDC senior research scientist Walt Meier. “ 'This is just another indicator of the rapid changes that are occurring in the Arctic due to climate change.' ”
This site has good graphs on ice trends.
I've never actually met someone who flat-out disbelieves.
Just out of curiosity, what do you think the incentive is for people to lie about climate change? I just can't wrap my brain around a political end that would be served
In high school someone simply said the words global warming and this football player says very aggressively that it's a cycle and acted like anyone who was worried about the cycle had the wool pulled over their eyes.
Why they would do it is another can of worms completely. And yes there's tons of people and scientists that believe man made climate change is a myth. Look at the evidence yourself.
Look up how much pollution volcanoes put off every year. Just look that up. Then compare it to how much pollution man puts out every year. Its not even close. Infact volcanoes alone put off 5 times more pollution per year than humans. Thats not even counting wild fires. If you do your reaearch youll find out that man puts 5% of pollution year and mother nature puts out 95% of the pollution. Dont take my word for it tho. Look into it!
Thanks for the reply. I have looked into it & heard about it extensively coz my dad is an environmental scientist Haha.
I'm not really into debating shit like this on IIN; I find that pointless, so I won't share my POV. I do find other people's opinions interesting, tho.
I was just hoping you could provide a rough idea of why you think scientists would fabricate info about climate change...I'm just kind of interested in learning about where that POV comes from.
I don't know where your info regarding lowered temperatures comes from, but records in Australia show a steady increase in average temperatures which has accelerated over the last ten years, contributing to catastrophic wildfires and drought.
The continents are actually sinking from all the sand they remove from the bottom of the ocean to make cement. You can look it up.