Why people love doing sports

No one has ever thought that sport is weird if you think about it, of toys you shouldn't kick a football is supposed to be kicked, and yes you should kick it.

I'm being defeated, is me therefore U is defeated, B is supported by my intuition, thus you get defeated in football, they tackle the ball, the weird thing is it's a game of fighting for a ball and the ball is oval, it must be a special ball because most dictionaries don't define a ball as oval.

Then the other ball game I take an interest in is golf, people love the spectacle, I'm not a football fan but a fan of soccer and rugby (it's still football).

When I played rugby at high school it's not like the movies where there's a big stadium and the bulky men as jocks knock you down in a game of rugby, in real life rugby in high school is running with the ball, throwing the ball to your opponent and tackling the ball, a little kicking involved, either indoors or at a field but not in a stadium, there are no jocks and we're not men or women in high school, we're kids from 13 to 17 and leave school when we're 18.

Therefore as with sport the other weird thing is winning a cup, how can it symbolise that you won? It's just a cup, I can eat my breakfast cereal out of it!

What's the big deal about a cup? I suppose people like cups because they can hold it up on both handles to show that they won.

Bowling is another ball game, but other sports include chess, fishing and hunting, the man who gets a good fish is the champion, it's a big deal, it's displayed on a plaque.

The chess champion also gets the cup, he's earned a trophy for winning chess, that's why people love sport.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • Rocketrain

    Doing sport is one way of practicing your physical and mental strength, energies. It's an expression. Keeping the body and mind healthy and active.

    We are competing because naturally humans are competitive. If we see someone do the same as us, we want prove our self, I'm better than you. Competitiveness made sport events. Winners should be appreciated that's why glorify trophies. And people who don't do sports are smarter so they found a way to make fame and money out from sporting events and we have those in modern world.

    Funder mentally it's an expression. But things have involved. So there are so many other things in to it

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yes, I was the lover of rugby in high school, I was in to that stuff. I didn't like anything else, rugby was my lifeblood. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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