Why should we have to believe in god to accomplish anything?

God loves us because were all his children but we burn in eternal hell fire for not believing in him?

What's the purpose of religion and god and all of it anyway? He sounds more like a big, conceited, jerk to me. If he really wanted us to live good lives and love one another then why should we have to believe in him to accomplish that? Wouldn't he, an all knowing being, know that he'd become the reason we kill each other?

I think that the god most Christians believe in does not exist. If a god did exist, I don't think he would care if we knew he was there or not. All he should care about is that we live our lives right.

I don't hate Christians but I don't side with the atheists either. Why cant we all just love each other no matter what we believe in? Why can't people understand that if their views cant be changed then the person they're trying to convince most likely won't change theirs either? Can't we just accept each other for who we are? What do we have to lose from just being nice? Why am I asking so many fackking questions??? Someone, please tell me you feel the same way.

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Comments ( 22 )
  • disthing

    We don't have to believe in a god to accomplish anything.

    Organised religion is a collective of people founded upon the belief in a particular deity and the associated tenets. Some people have a strong feeling that there is some form of higher power, and are therefore drawn to an established religion. They find it gratifying to be in the company of like-minded people, and feel it's a part of their spiritual journey or relationship with their deity.

    It's fine that you don't believe in a god.

    We can't all love each other because that's impossible for most people; you can't choose who to love. We can learn to be tolerant, however. Most of us are already.

    This is all very basic stuff.

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  • davesumba

    Ignorance must be bliss.

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    • Out of everything here that was posted, this, so simple yet so thought provoking, helped me the most. But now I face a problem. Do I want my children to suffer from their knowledge, or to be blissfully unaware?

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  • The purpose of religion is to give people an answer to that which cannot be answered.

    Don't get caught up in the "I hate/love religion" thing, some people just need an answer to function, right or wrong.

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    • Erik963

      Now tell me what is the point in believing in answer that is more than 100% wrong ? What is the point of telling some uneducated maggot that 5 + 5 is 9 ? How exactly is it going to benefit him in his life ?

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      • Oooh, someone just got roasted in a polite and dignified way. Gotta love tommythecat.

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      • The answer is in my first statement, it helps them feel at peace with mortality and gives them a way by which to live their life.

        But it doesn't matter anyway!

        Because how exactly does our being right about the nature of existence benefit you or I? What is the point of what you believe? How does it improve your life?


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        • Erik963

          It doesn't so why do people argue about it ?

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          • Because people like you think it matters in the first place, thus causing a divide.

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            • Erik963

              It does matter. If there was no religion this argument wouldn't happening.

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  • jfredesturg

    Originally, religion was used to scare people into doing the right thing. It was a very good thing for a while. Then, it was used as a way to control people and gain power. People manipulated religion. This progressed and now it has killed millions of people and caused a lot of pain.

    Basically, religion is a good foundation that has been twisted to be very very bad. If you use it right, to keep hope and do good, then go for it. But never discriminate another religion or choose religion over your own values.

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  • Nokiot9

    Because there is only one truth. Which is where your beliefs should be centered. God and religion are a huge thorn in the side of humanity. It has held us back for thousands of years. It's caused genocide and famine and war. It all comes down to faith. What you believe and what you are willing to do to protect that faith. Too many are willing to kill and die and spread misinformation to the detriment of our entire species, in order to peddle their beliefs.

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  • Apart from God we're nothing.

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  • Pisslan616

    I guess the meme "be good or go to hell" doesn't propagate the idea of god as well as " be good and believe in this specific god or go to hell".

    Ideas that propagate themselves survive better that those that don't.

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  • Erik963

    It is just blindness of most people in 21 first century. We have high Tec science that answers more than a thousands of times rewritten bible. I used to be a Christian for my first 12 years and I also believed it was Santa giving me presents for Christmas.

    People who still believe even after their teen years are mostly mentally unstable blockheads, nothing in offense. I study human psychology as a hobby, yet I fail to find a reasonable and logical explanation why people have to explain everything with god. I understand this was a logic of people in medieval times because there wasn't such a detailed science but in 21th century ? Come on.

    Also you are completely correct. This religion shit will lead us to extinction one day.

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    • sike!

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  • q1w2e3

    Who said Christians going to Heaven? During Jesus time yes, but after God replaced Christianity with Islam, no.

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    • Where in there did I put the word heaven or even mention going to heaven? Going to hell, yes, but I'm talking about Christianity, not Islam.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        I will give you a simple explanation. PEOPLE ARE DICK-HOLES! Why do we have laws? Since people have to be TOLD not to be shit bags or they do it anyways. Should we need to tell people RAPE is WRONG? No, but if we don't make it a law we would probobly have a lot more rapist and a lot less of them getting arrested. Should we HAVE to tell people to say PLEASE AND THANK YOU? NO! People should be able to figure this shit out on their own. However if they are not scared something bad will happen to them if they do them a lot of them would still try. We should all be civilized but sadly not all of us are.. People will be dicks for the sake of being dicks. Even if god does not exist someone along the line figured out that people need to be told to not be dicks.

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