Why should whites celebrate diversity?
Why should whites celebrate their dwindling numbers and declining influence? That sounds idiotic to me.
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Why should whites celebrate their dwindling numbers and declining influence? That sounds idiotic to me.
You state that as if the influence of non-white cultures is inherently a bad thing. Why is skin color so important to you? It was an adaptation our ancestors had to where they lived thousands of years ago. Before that, their skin was black. In fact, I think the blue eye mutation may have come before white skin. And at least in the US, it's part of our culture to celebrate cultural diversity.
Also, "white" means a lot of things. Latinos are considered white in certain circumstances.
Stop putting so much of your self worth in the color of your skin. You have no control over it and could have been born any other color. You didn't achieve being white, it just is.
We all originate from Africa.
Everybody’s points on race are incorrect and irrelevant almost all of the time.
Who fucking cares? Everyone can do what they want. Mind ya damn business.
There are extremely few "pure" white people. Almost all whites have a diverse background in their ancestry.
As for why you should accept and work with it? Virtually nothing is done in the world by working by yourself.
Most things are done by working with teams of people, and with a supporting cast of lessor roles. If you want to succeed to the maximum you want the best people in all those various roles... and you only get that by looking at a diverse genetically range of people. Otherwise, that total genius with an innate sense of creativity will end up on someone else's team and not yours because you objected to some pigment or shape of a body part.
Yall progressive liberals use this argument but then contradict yourselves all the time by saying "white people" this and "white people" that. But when its convenient white people dont even exist.
Hell I'm finnish and I cant even say I'm 100% european. Got a tid bit of asian in me. I can say I'm white(r) than most british people though. Not that actually means anything, nice fact though.