Why should you become a member of the organisation who helps women?
What you think is it important to join the organisation who helps woman's
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What you think is it important to join the organisation who helps woman's
Is this for a job application or something? You should probably answer in your own words
"The organization"?
Which one? What is the focus here? Women's health, domestic violence, child support?
It's a shame there aren't nearly as many organisations aimed at helping men. Especially for men who've been sexually assaulted or falsely accused of sexually assaulting another. It breaks my heart seeing a caring father losing access to his children due to false allegations from a cruel mother/ex putting on a facade.
Women had to start their own organisations without any funding for a long time: what's stopping men from doing the same? In any case there are men's organisations, although too many of them seem to be focussed on hating women.
All I'm saying is that both genders are in the wrong here. A lot of women come out hating men, and men come out hating women. There should be more organisations aimed at helping their respective target groups without the mentality that either gender is worse than the other. Equality is a very misused word these days. You see women who call themselves 'feminists' saying all men should be chemically castrated or kept in prisons. There a true feminists though, ones who hold the belief of equal pay, equal rights equal ability to defend yourself (hit back etc) no matter who's attacking you. Same goes for men, they EXPECT women to know their place (eg incels) whilst there are others who just wanna have the same ability to get help after being sexually assaulted without being told "Men can't get raped!". A great example I can give personally is the mentality society holds towards men working in the childcare sector. You can be fired for doing something your female co-worker does if you can't prove without a shadow of a doubt you weren't doing anything questionable. The world as a whole needs to judge less and open more doors for both genders to have their voices heard and the rights cared for.
As a long term feminist (1970's Women's Liberationist/Anarcha Feminist) I've known very few feminists in favour of castrating or imprisoning (or killing) all men. I don't know why you think "a lot of women" hate men because of feminism: also in my experience, non feminist women hate or dislike or fear men just as much as feminist women do.
I don't understand your comment about men working in childcare: what is the something you're talking about which would get a man fired but not a woman?
Yeah thats nuts to think that anyone would do something like that to someone they love. How could you accuse someone you loved of sexual assault or pedophilia when you know it's not true? Thats just sick and narcissistic. I'm glad I have a good wife I know would never pull no shit like that. Its crazy that it even happens.
It's honestly a serious problem. These days the only way to ensure safety is to get your sexual partner to sign a contract agreeing to participate in sexual activity. Celebrities and the rich get the worst of it. Gold diggers looking to get pregnant so they can take advantage of the child support. There are many vicious people out there..
The mentality of men working with children is simply appalling. I've had all my security checks and police clearances, I've had years training and worked hard to get where I am, yet there's still (and always will be) the lingering mentality from onlookers that I'm a suspicious character. My female co-workers see a baby crying due to a fall and picks them up and giving them a reassuring, comfort hold that all carers and parents do. When I see a child crying however for the same reason, I have to get a female co-worker or risk facing the wrath of a biased/judgemental parent. Isn't it sad? Breaks my heart.
Did your wife accuse you or are you just speaking in general? If you havent been accused you may be a little too paranoid. I get the same feeling tho around kids tho. I dont want to come off like a chomo. But om the other hand you really can tell when someone is creepy with the kid. We ran into a guy at the mall that we could tell right away was bad news.
I've witnessed a whole hell of a lot worse in the world than good I can assure you of that. You may be right though, paranoia may be involved to some degree. Can you blame me though? The divorce rate is higher than ever with most claiming it was due to unfaithfulness. Getting used is commonplace in society, especially in the current generation.
While it's true, you can almost always tell if someone's suspicious and shouldn't be around kids. It's far too frequent that you see false allegations laid on men for simply doing their jobs. Misunderstandings based around bias and ignorance that can immediately terminate their career in the field they hold dearly.
In short, it's too easy for others to ruin your future. Paranoia may actually keep you from having everything you're passionate about taken from you.
Yeah you have to be careful and try not to give anyone a reason to want to ruin your life. That's what I do just try to be reasonable when people get mad at me. I dont understand the whole divorce rate. I feel like if my wife cheated on me we would work it out. Idk why thats such a deal breaker to everyone. It sucks but its not the end of the world.
Men like to deal with their own shit more. Far less likely to seek help from others compared to women.
Both men and women have a portion who prefer to deal with things themselves, I'm sure in your experience a great deal (if not all) have been that way. Based on both what I've experienced though as well as the studies I've learned, There are many men who don't seek help due to the fact that they don't know where to go for it or society/friends/family will judge them or see them differently. There's a stigma in the world which says that in order to be a man you need to toughen up and deal with emotions on your own. We can't be seen crying and CERTAINLY can't reach out for help. The good news is that over the generations that view is fading. These days more and more are okay with reaching out (of course this depends on the family/area they grew up in). As we grow up, we find ourselves needing such services more and more. The world can be a very unforgiving place and so, while it may be uncommon in your area, I can assure you that there are men who need the help.
Disagree! I think that's actually a positive quality in men. Fucking man up and deal with it yourself. Don't make your problems anyone else problems. Most men are becoming more of pussies cause they just blame shit on society.
Look, I understand that one shouldn't put their issues onto others. That's fair. If someone however, expresses a willingness to be lent on (metaphorically), or is a professional whose job is to be a vent for the feelings and thoughts of another, then by all means it should be reinforced that you're not any less of a man for reaching out when a branch is offered.
Playing the blame game is in itself a poor method to improvement. That said, can you really say society as a whole hasn't played a role in the negative frame of mind people that need help have? It's true there are many other contributing factors but I wanna make sure we can agree that this is part of the problem. In order for people to admit their own poor choices and misconceptions, society as a whole needs to realise its own misconceptions and poor choices.
Again with ten first paragraph, its makes sense what your saying and why you think that. But even though I follow most of the logic, I do not agree that "your no less of a man" if you seek help for mental shit. It obviously depends what it is and there are some cases like military PTSD or sexual abuse but let's be real, that's quite a minority. Fucking half the people are probably getting "bullied" and "marginalized" and need a fuckin guy in a lab coat to agree that uts societies fault to make them feel better.
Society has made it harder, but it's still in your power. It does make you "nothing of a man" to get mental help when you don't need it, but it does make you *less* of a man. In my opinion of course!
Ok fix your grammar. I lost like 5 braincells trying to read this. I don't have many left.
In the West? No. I think a lot of the orginasations that purport to help women in the West don't, and instead focus on what the society around them says women need.
Organisations helping women outside the west, e.g. stopping child marriage seem to have genuine value though.