Why some people wear nappys and dose not bother them
I am a severely disabled woman,caused through severe TRAUNMATIC brain injury in 1985.I have to wear nappys/diapers for life because of severe double incontinence and been getting adult babys diapers/nappys since 15-01-1996.Since i have to wear nappys/diapers,for me it is a fact of life.I can not control my bladder and bowels at all,because part of my brain which is damaged dose not tell me when i should go to the toilet,so my bowels and bladder goes at the wrong times and i just cannot control it.I have been to bowel and bladder tests and failed them completely.They said that i do have to wear nappys,but this did not bother me because i had no choice,but the diapers,nappys were very absorbent and therefore continued to live my life as usual.