Why the fuck does my mum not get it
I have hinted to my mother how many times now that I maybe gay, yet I also have told her I am questioning except I am not a sexual person but I feel more comfortable with females. She seems to keep thinking I'm going to get a guy one day.
She also has known I had strong feelings for a female friend ages ago. She was totally okay with this. I am going to lez meet ups n LGBT events and she isnt getting it ? I asked hows my younger sister (20f) able to find someone so easily and who makes her a priority.
Shes like- if u made a nice profile, dressed up, you would find a guy easily if u were into the Male, female relationships and wanted to have sex. I said that's rediculous everything is always about sex, what if I dont want that? I couldn't manage to get the words out of my mouth what if I like just like women! I'm so upset with my mum tbh, she thinks the world revolves around men, if u were me what would u do ? I also said if I had never met amy (girl I had feelings for, I'd never had beeen so sexually confused) she was a waste of my life.
Why does she keep thinking I want a guy?? She knows I am going to LGBT parties and meet ups. Shes like- even if u liked a guy u wouldnt act on it due to the sexuality thing and not wanting sex, and I thought u are so fuking wrong, like yes that's not what I want but I fancy some women romantically and if i were given the chance, I'd date a women I had a crush on, rn I do have feelings for someone who's engaged. She doesnt know that though. About 4 weeks ago I over heard her talking to my little sis re LGBT saying it's as shocking to the older generation as incest is and beastiality. It's like all of a sudden socially condones those. I thought what the actual flying fuck!