Why the fuck does my mum not get it

I have hinted to my mother how many times now that I maybe gay, yet I also have told her I am questioning except I am not a sexual person but I feel more comfortable with females. She seems to keep thinking I'm going to get a guy one day.
She also has known I had strong feelings for a female friend ages ago. She was totally okay with this. I am going to lez meet ups n LGBT events and she isnt getting it ? I asked hows my younger sister (20f) able to find someone so easily and who makes her a priority.
Shes like- if u made a nice profile, dressed up, you would find a guy easily if u were into the Male, female relationships and wanted to have sex. I said that's rediculous everything is always about sex, what if I dont want that? I couldn't manage to get the words out of my mouth what if I like just like women! I'm so upset with my mum tbh, she thinks the world revolves around men, if u were me what would u do ? I also said if I had never met amy (girl I had feelings for, I'd never had beeen so sexually confused) she was a waste of my life.
Why does she keep thinking I want a guy?? She knows I am going to LGBT parties and meet ups. Shes like- even if u liked a guy u wouldnt act on it due to the sexuality thing and not wanting sex, and I thought u are so fuking wrong, like yes that's not what I want but I fancy some women romantically and if i were given the chance, I'd date a women I had a crush on, rn I do have feelings for someone who's engaged. She doesnt know that though. About 4 weeks ago I over heard her talking to my little sis re LGBT saying it's as shocking to the older generation as incest is and beastiality. It's like all of a sudden socially condones those. I thought what the actual flying fuck!

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Doesnormalmatter

    I'm quite confused about some if the details mate. But it sounds like yiu shoukd just out right tell her if you want my 2 cents

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    • What are you confused about

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        1. Why do you care if your mom knows or not?

        2. Does you mom know exactly what the LGBT events you go to represent and what happens there?

        3. How is your mom aware of all this anyways? How reliant on her are you? How close are you and your mother?

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